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Hip pain, thigh pain, heel pain and some pain in right side of waist Page 2 of 3
Today is 3rd day of tellurium 30 but no relief yet.
Dioscorea did very well on first dose.
Please advise.
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Please also advise some medicine which is helpful to become lower spine strong. Because I don't want to sit more time without back support.
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
[Edited by Tui on 2018-10-07 23:28:39]
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Improving. But some days it's paining lower right sacrum and right hip. Some time it seems blood clotted on hip region and hardness on hip region and some veins there pressed. After more time sitting pain Aggravates.
Right Lumber area spine also pain if sit more time.
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
Please advise
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Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
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Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
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Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
Still feeling worse in the evening and cold aggravate the symptom?
And feels better when you are lying or walking?
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Cold aggravate symptom yes.
Feels better lying and walking yes
Little bit stress also because I always thought about pain that it will be cured or not.
Pain is improving after taking phytolacca and Dios. But picture shown area are still effected.
[Edited by Nitesh Kamal on 2018-11-01 00:09:02]
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
Happy Diwali to you.
Silica not taken yet because not available in market. it will be available in next two days.
On Sunday I sit more time continue 6 hours pain increased
from past three days. pain extend to middle spine(Lumbar region) .when pain extend to middle spine don't want to stand on leg.
right sacrum area also paining.
please advise
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
right sacrum area also paining.
These are new symptoms?
♡ Tui 6 years ago
i had a of Lumbosacral Spine(AP/LAT View) .
results are
1. Osteophytes are seen in lower lumbar vetebrae suggestive of eary degenerative changes.
2. Lumbar lordosis is lost.
3. Inveretebral disc spaces are normal
4. Both Sacroiliac joints are normal.
Last year nov 2017 above mentioned symptom started.
When I sit long time on right hip then this symptom get started.
Right hip region, back of right thigh, front left area of right thigh also paining, sacrum region also paining.
Please advise
Nitesh Kamal 6 years ago
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