The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Internal bleeding piles since 4 years. Page 5 of 5
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You probably think the forum is a clinic. The owner
Set it up as a place for discussion only, but allows people to give advice.
One has to click user names and see their history
On here to decide if they want to follow the advice.
Unfortunately, some experienced people volunteer
Time and then disappear.
Dr. Reva has been on here for years- you may want to click his name on other posts and email him. See if he has time to take your case on here.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-01-24 17:33:32]
You probably think the forum is a clinic. The owner
Set it up as a place for discussion only, but allows people to give advice.
One has to click user names and see their history
On here to decide if they want to follow the advice.
Unfortunately, some experienced people volunteer
Time and then disappear.
Dr. Reva has been on here for years- you may want to click his name on other posts and email him. See if he has time to take your case on here.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-01-24 17:33:32]
♡ simone717 6 years ago
Thanks simone for the advice, few of homeopath i had consultant was Dr.kadwa who also gave me good remedies which gave me relief however since he stopped replying to the messages followed advice of Dr.AK1 now he also has stopped replying . I know all here give good advices which has helped a lot to many
rameshm 6 years ago
I am grateful to all homeopaths/drs who suggested remedies and i had tried to follow everyone's advice.But lately i feel that no one is responding to my messages and those who are responding are responding sometimes and again disappearing so With due respect to all going forward I would not post further in this forum as I feel I am disturbing all.
I am hearty thankful once again to all and the moderator for carrying out this forum for social cause.
I am hearty thankful once again to all and the moderator for carrying out this forum for social cause.
rameshm 6 years ago
You have had much experience with "doctors" on this forum. So many med were not needed. No one asked you any questions specific to you complaint. I wish to help you. Please take what I recommended.
surendrakr 6 years ago
Surendrak you had referred cal flou 30c , I am ready to use it as I follow other advice also. Only please let me know whether it would stop bleeding from piles?? Also I want to continue persons advice who can assure me that he would continue to give his advice on this forum or my personal email ID.
Please reply
Please reply
rameshm 6 years ago
I can appreciate your position. But you did not ask such questions to earlier esteemed doctors who have now abandoned you without giving any explanation.I wish to help you. It is upto you to decide. I am assuming that fresh blood,blood covered stool, blood only during passage of stool. This is a good medicine. Let me know details very briefly if you please.
surendrakr 6 years ago
You are right I did not asked questions about their continuation of their advice but now I am asking because now I have such experience were in I am requesting for consultations with old Dr in this forum but they are not responding and new members are responding every time. My history is available in this post.
I know this is a free forum for advice and it's a social cause for which people are advising but due respect to all this should be on complete end so that patient is not confused or feels betrayed.
I know this is a free forum for advice and it's a social cause for which people are advising but due respect to all this should be on complete end so that patient is not confused or feels betrayed.
rameshm 6 years ago
Brief details
Have 45 yrs weight 62 kgs, bleeding internal piles since 4 years, of 2nd grade during empty of bowels piles come out and bleed, goes automatically in bleeding stops for some period again continuous daily. Leg cramps and flautency but reduced to good extent now. Leg pains maybe due to loss of blood
If bleeding does not stops will have anemia and will have to go for surgery. But I believe that homeopathy can relieve me from this problem
Have 45 yrs weight 62 kgs, bleeding internal piles since 4 years, of 2nd grade during empty of bowels piles come out and bleed, goes automatically in bleeding stops for some period again continuous daily. Leg cramps and flautency but reduced to good extent now. Leg pains maybe due to loss of blood
If bleeding does not stops will have anemia and will have to go for surgery. But I believe that homeopathy can relieve me from this problem
rameshm 6 years ago
cal flou 30c is biochemical tabs or normal homeopathic pills???
rameshm 6 years ago
7 th day of taking calc flou 30c , no benefit in stoppage of bleeding from piles.
rameshm 6 years ago
Pls try describing everything that happens: color,pain,shape, feeling inside/outside,appearance etc. Pls continue med. Don't worry, you'll be okay.
surendrakr 6 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.