The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sexual disorder and Chronic diarrhea
Male patient age 48. Thirty-five years ago indulged in sexual activities . Due to that bad practice, Now, he is facing following problems for 34 years.Unmarried
Penis and testicles shrunken
Semen comes while passing stool
Premature ejaculation
Night emissions
Pain in testicles while long time erection
Always thinking about sex
Intercourse with ladies for approximately 10 times only in his life.
Having Chronic diarrhea for the past 15 years.
Wheat products, Parotta, sour foods like tamarind and lemon, some vegetables and fruits like apple, papaya,guava, ladies finger, cabbage, cauliflower, fried potato, fish, Allopathic and herbal medicines trigger diarrhea
Diarrhea mostly in the morning time not at night
No complaints of passing stool after taking meals
Excessive thirst mostly at night, taking large amount of water. Otherwise dried mouth
More erucatation with or without metallic smell
Passing flatus (30 to 40 times per day) with great noise and foul smell
Sounds in stomach
Sometime stool is coming while passing flatus and also while passing urine.
Can't hold urine in winter season sometimes passes urine in the pants itself.
Worried and irritable mood
Weak memory and poor concentration
Foul smell in the mouth like Dead rat.
Bleeding and receding gums
Sleeping for 4-5 hours only
If watching any emotional scenes in TV then tears coming in eyes.
Very cowardice
No Job
Not active, body is very weak
Not interested in doing job
Presently Taking homeo medicines but
No good results
Seeking advice from medical experts for his chronic Diarrhea problem due to food intolerance and sexual weakness
mmohdfarook on 2018-09-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Argentum metallicum 200c one dose every other day and Calc carb 30c, twice daily for 2 weeks. Report back any changes .
1 dose is 2 pills or drops.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-09-23 12:22:28]
1 dose is 2 pills or drops.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-09-23 12:22:28]
♡ Tui 6 years ago
mmohdfarook saidMale patient age 48. Thirty-five years ago indulged in sexual activities . Due to that bad practice, Now, he is facing following problems for 34 years.
Penis and testicles shrunken
Semen comes while passing stool
Premature ejaculation
Night emissions
Pain in testicles while long time erection
Always thinking about sex
Intercourse with ladies for approximately 10 times only in his life.
Having Chronic diarrhea for the past 15 years.
Wheat products, Parotta, sour foods like tamarind and lemon, some vegetables and fruits like apple, papaya,guava, ladies finger, cabbage, cauliflower, fried potato, fish, Allopathic and herbal medicines trigger diarrhea
Diarrhea mostly in the morning time not at night
No complaints of passing stool after taking meals
Excessive thirst mostly at night, taking large amount of water. Otherwise dried mouth
More erucatation with or without metallic smell
Passing flatus (30 to 40 times per day) with great noise and foul smell
Sounds in stomach
Sometime stool is coming while passing flatus and also while passing urine.
Can't hold urine in winter season sometimes passes urine in the pants itself.
Worried and irritable mood
Weak memory and poor concentration
Foul smell in the mouth like Dead rat.
Bleeding and receding gums
Sleeping for 4-5 hours only
If watching any emotional scenes in TV then tears coming in eyes.
Very cowardice
Not doing any Job
Not active, body is very weak
Not interested in doing job
Presently Taking homeo medicines but
No good results
Seeking advice from medical experts for his chronic Diarrhea problem due to food intolerance and sexual weakness
mmohdfarook 6 years ago
mmohdfarook 6 years ago
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