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Can I repeat doses of an antidote?


Recently I took far too much of the remedy Sulphur. The aggravation is quite intense, taking longer than a couple weeks to subside. I am a very sensitive patient and am rather uncomfortable. I am curious about my options. My homeopath told me I could antidote with Nux Vomica 30C--it helped a lot. But I am still moving through an aggravated state... Can I take Nux Vomica again to further antidote?

Prior to taking this remedy I was dealing with some heart problems, digestive issues, and adrenal fatigue. Since taking too high of a dose of Sulphur--which was entirely my fault--I have been ridiculously hungry, constipated, weak, and my heart is quite excitable and a bit loud. Like I said, uncomfortable. Basically an enormous amplification of my existing symptoms.

Can I take a remedy multiple times to antidote?
  rileymeagan123 on 2019-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes- if it helped, take another dose. If that helps
Again, then you are on the right track. Dose as needed.
simone717 6 years ago
Thank you very much!
rileymeagan123 6 years ago

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