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Chicken Pox



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chicken Pox

Good morning.

Please could I ask your advice on treating chicken pox.
Chicken pox are currently doing the rounds at my daughter's preschool. She is 4. I also have a Son who is 1.
I just wanted to ask some advice on homeopathic remedies in case she DOES catch it, I'd like to be prepared.
My daughter has multiple food allergies and I prefer to avoid Calpol and use natural remedies.
Please can you advise what remedies would be helpful whilst the chicken pox ran it's course, also would those remedies be OK for my Son who is 1.
Also, please could you advise me on dosages and how to give them etc :)
We are in the UK.
Thank you very much!
  AlisonA88 on 2019-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali.sulph 3x .. depends upon severity of symptoms And type of symptom. 3-4. times a day for two to three days only. 1-2. Tablet at a time. Can update click my name .

you can consider about. Calc.phos as well at a sudden attack etc.
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-02-09 22:43:53]
Ibrahim3 6 years ago

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