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Happy one year old suddenly turned fussy and irritable

My 15 month old baby boy was a happy toddler, running around and says a few words too. 12 kg in weight n 75 cm height.

Last week we left to my parents home in India, from dubai where we were with his dad. He was misdmis his father a lot.

He had a mild infection of right eye, it was watering n had a secretion. His Paed cleared it plus some constipation that he had.

Now from yesterday,he is so demanding and is refusing solids and milks .just sips water all day long. No temperature, no vomiting or diarrhoea

He simply weeps and cries, where my parents and me can't figure out why. He is surely not in any pain. Going outsooo too won't pacify him.

He carries a toy to me, I switch it on opens itetc, but he screams. He cries on offering food, when I rock him to sleep, when I bathe him, when I carry him etc etc

He is a poor sleeper from birth,already half mad coz of sleeplessness for an year. So now mommy is at witches end. Very very exhausted, and clueless on what's happening

Will it be emotional stress due to changed atmosphere or missing his dad?

Pls suggest a remedy
[Edited by Eecki on 2019-02-12 11:02:15]
  Eecki on 2019-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
He may be getting teeth?
Feel around his gums and see if he is sensitive
In any area.

Children will refuse food / drink if they do not feel well.
If he was constipated ? What are the bowel movements
Like now? He may be having digestion pain
And cannot communicate.
simone717 5 years ago
Natrum. mur ... 2-3 Drops twice a day for one or two days only. In a separate disposable glass with some water in it. No more no repeat. Better to give after 30 minutes of breakfast. Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking the medicine.Update me click my name after 3-5 days.
Ibrahim3 5 years ago
Hi Simone
He isn't teething, am sure. Bowel movements are fine, once daily, no constipation now.

Yes, he was sick as you suspected, he developed a bad cough by yesterday and is having a chest infection

Paed suggesting antibiotics, is there a good homeo remedy?

Thanks a lot for reverting.
Eecki 5 years ago
Thank you for reverting.
Update:- he developed a bad cough by yesterday and his paed told it's a case of chest infection.

Should we go ahead with the remedy you mentioned or is there another one for cough?
Eecki 5 years ago

Go with the remedy. Don't get late
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-02-13 23:04:02]
Ibrahim3 5 years ago
if these changes occurred after vaccination then Thuja will help.
Need to start with lower potency and then switch to higher potency gradually.
HealthyWorld 5 years ago
Hi- if your pediatric dr said there is infection,
Give the antibiotics and see what the status is
After that.
simone717 5 years ago
Hi Simone

This is an old thread. Eecki's got a new thread with --temper/head banging tantrums following vaccine to which Anuj has replied. Possibly Healthyworld has responded here keeping that in mind.
maheeru 5 years ago
simone717 5 years ago

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