The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Hi..My mom is 70+ she is having no other problems like BP sugar etc other than carpel tunnel syndrome. She feels tickling or some times current sensation in her arms and hands. Her arms and hands got numb whilewsleeping during the night.
I have heard that their is a very best treatment available in homeopathy with the medicines
1. Arnica,
2. Bellis perennis,
3. Rhus toxicodendron
4. Ruta graveolens.
Kindly guide me about this plz. Doctors have no solution other than surgery. But my mom will never ho for ths option as far i knw her. She is already using arnica montana 30 in wet dose. Also she is doing hand and arm excerise for this aliment. Kindly suggest me the proper medicines with doses. Thanks alot
Sanam16261 on 2019-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hypericum 30,THREE TIMES A DAY five drops in an ounce of water.
In addition CALC PHOS 6X, FIVE TABS three times a day.
Feed back after 7 days.
In addition CALC PHOS 6X, FIVE TABS three times a day.
Feed back after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
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