The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Gastric issue, white hair , Headache, Sinus
1) Name--Adnan2) Age--38
3) sex--Male, married , have a kid
4) Height and Weight 5 feet 7 inch 92KG
5) Main problems
i have the the following issue since 1997
A) Stomach issue
Feeling that never passed stool completely
Bloat,dropsy even after drinking water
Feels as if intestines are swell
dysentery type Mucous in Stool
Stool sometime solid and sometime loose with (foam type material)
Constipation on day and then other day slightly diarrhea type stool
Nausea after taking tea in the morning
Apple cider vinegar relieves from Nausea and constipation
Stomach issue is creating high blood pressure
Tongue white/yellow coated
Fatty liver
Slow Digestion
I have to go to toilet 2 times in the morning with 30 min delay, then at evening 2 to 3 times
B) My hairs have turned with in last 4 years
>50% White hair on head
80% White hair on face
Declaration of face skin (which is spreading),patches
Dandruff on head , Face , eyebrows etc
My face and head looks like this
%2Fe6%2FVitiligo_and_Poliosis.jpg%2F300px-Vitiligo_and_Poliosis.jpg& " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
C) Headache:
its daily chronic tension type headache .
Its actually heaviness in the head
its tight band around head
Its mild in nature
Mild To Moderate
Do not feel pain during sleep
D) Sinus Issue:
Can breath from both nostril easily
Thick secretions (most often watery color), Sometime yellow color
very thick , glue type, Hard to expel
No sneezing
Slight swelling in sinuses
left nostril is slightly blocked
ENT Doc observation:
Slight Dust Allergy
6) Any other problem
Lack of motivation to starts any work , and if started then never finish the task
Weak Memory
Difficulty in Concentration
Slow comprehension
Do not like people/company
DO not like traveling
Fear (Traffic Accident,Future,Job)
Cant see blood
7) The problem is better or worse from (heat//movement/rest/pressure)
Physical exertion walk
Stop Thinking
During Sleep
Drinking lot of water
Mental exertion
Oil rich food
Deep fried foods
hot Spices
8) Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
Appetite Normal
Want to eat salty foods, Nimko
Thirst Drink very less water (one/two glass in a day)
9) Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
In winter i can not tolerate heater or warm room. I sleep in cold room with open windows
Can not cover my face with blanket
10) Quantity and quality of sleep with preferred position.
No preferred position
Can not sleep in light and noise
Need 9 to 10 hours of sleep
110 dreams if any.
No Dreams
12) Perspiration (how much and where)
Normal Perspiration, whole body and more on head
Don't like AC in summer and Heater in winter
13) Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
Dysentery type discharge with stool
Bloated abdomen most of the time
Seems stomach produce less acid
14) Urine (quantity/color/frequency) difficulties if any.
Quantity depends on water intake
Color yellow if water intake is low.
3/4 times per day
Do not need to go to washroom at night (after sleep)
15) Describe yourself as a person.
Suppress Anger
16) Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
Easily annoyed
Do not take bold step.
Lack of courage
17) Family medical histories (parents/ grandparents/brothers/sisters)
Grand Father / Heart disease / Heart Attack / Strokes
Father hypertension / Heart disease / Heart Attack
18) Treatment taken in the past
Doctors Diagnosis:
1) Lack of vitamins and minerals in body / absorption
2) Chronic Gastric issue
3) Depression
4) Allergy
Anti-depressants Medicines: Have taken many antidepressants. But they did nothing for me
Anti-allergy Medicines: Useless for me, creates more dryness in the nose
Ant-acidic Medicine: Do not work for me
Homeopathic Medicine:
Used Nux,Avena, Rus, Acid Phos , kali Phos,Ars, MercSol Ashwagandha Q (reduce blood pressure)ets and many more
In sep 2018 a doctor prescribed skookumchuck 3X
I took 3 tablets after every 3 hours
After taking first dose nasal discharges started and for the next 20 days there was continuous very thick yellow
mucous from nose. This has solved many symptoms related to sinus.
I also feel lot of energy during these days
After 20 days discharge from nose stopped
It is the best drug i have ever used for sinus
Now it seems that the drug has stopped working
in 2014 bacillinum 1m did same for 20 days.
19) present medication if any
Blood pressure medicine (alpha blocker) it also ease depression
20) Any other information you would like to provide
In march 2017 i was using
Pothos Foetidus 6c
Vitamin D3 (7000iu/day)
Xynosine (nasal sparay)
Levosulphride (a drug for ibs)
Levothyroxin (75mcg) thyroid hormone
there were few days during the use of these drugs when i was free from headache.
I have thyroid hormones at borderline
adnan012 on 2019-02-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.
Answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.
Answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more thirsty or thirstless ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
adnan012 6 years ago
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