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Hekla Lava for Bone Spurs?

Hello everyone,

I have a condition called Hallux rigidus on the left big toe.

It's caused by bone spurs which prevent the toe from having flexibility or mobility and hurts the toe and bunion region.

I'm going to start a protocol for 6 months, I just need approval from a homeopath.

I have asked a lot of homeopaths but they remain silent, not offering any solution. So i have done my own research.

The protocol is :

Hekla Lava 30c twice a day
Calc Fluor 6x biochemics tabs, 3-4 tabs three times a day.

This protocol for 6 months.
Is it okay?
  syria on 2019-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is the condition so complicated that all homeoapths stay silent?
syria 6 years ago
Still waiting for a reply..
syria 5 years ago
Hello i'm 28 years old and i'm a man.

I started having it as a teenager (11-12) without any injury.

The left shoe always felt tighter than rhe right shoe, so I think the conditoon was always there and it got aggravated by tightness in left shoe.

It was okay until last year when I had Reiter syndrome (reactive arthritis) on the same spot last year after an infection. The reactive arthritis happened exactly on the same bunion region, when there was stiffness because of bone spurs.
syria 5 years ago
I havent started them yet as I was waiting for approval here by someone specialized.

The dosage I chose is right?

As soon as I start them, I will report back. I first need to get them.

How long will I have to take them, approximately?
syria 5 years ago
Also, is Hekla Lava 30c the right potency, or is it better to use it in low potency likz 4ch or 6ch?

I read that high potencies of Hekla Lava should be used with care.
syria 5 years ago
I ca' get them from local pharmacies in France.

Please just clarify dosage and duration of treatment please.
syria 5 years ago

But there's no indication on bottles of homeopathy or biochemic salt when you buy them in France.

I guess i will take 3 pellets, three times a day. Does that seem fine?
[Edited by syria on 2019-03-12 18:22:28]
syria 5 years ago
Yes, I think it's bigger and during teenage, since the shoes were tight in the left shoe, the toe became stiff and caused this hallux rigidus.
syria 5 years ago

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