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Can't read book for long hours(even 1 hour). Don't have concentration and focus

Dear Xperts

My age : 31 years 9 months
Sex : Male(Non-Veg)

I am not able to read any book even for continuous 1 hour with full focus and concentration.

I feel extremely irritable during the time of reading and my mind tells me to leave if I am not able to digest the content of the book and get interest at the 1st round of reading.

Am always thinking that I will read this chapter today , however, can't do the same for the above reason. I rather love to see the same content through a video,audio which generates interest ,however, not in the form of a book.

I feel extremely impatient during long hours of study.

Could you please suggest suitable homeopathic remedies for reducing my irritability and increase my patience level with reading ability for long hours with better concentration and focus??

[Edited by Soumick Basak on 2019-03-27 10:30:47]
  Soumick Basak on 2019-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl help.
Soumick Basak 5 years ago
any suggestions??
Soumick Basak 5 years ago
There is no improvement.
Soumick Basak 5 years ago
Dear Soumick,

Many people have difficulties with this.
Have you ever been tested for ADHD ?
This is a frequent diagnosis in schools as
A learning disability. ADHD is thought by
Many drs at this time as originating in a gut imbalance
And Dr Reva , on this forum has helped with this.

And , even with no ADHD, people have different learning styles,
Where they learn much better listening to audio only,
Or videos, etc.

And also scientists have found when people get
8 or 9 hours sleep? What they have read the previous
Day is retained by the brain much better than those
Who are getting less sleep.

So you might find that long hours is simply not productive
For you. That you have to break up the time,
Get good sleep and diet and see if that works
Better. Everyone is different .
simone717 5 years ago
I like learning thru Audio but I have never been tested for ADHD. The thing is that when I read E-Books or Books after some time I feel irritated and I think to leave thereoff. I have Hypothyroidism, Uric Acid, Tryglicerides and diabetes. I feel irritated when reading books for long time , however, if the same thing has been communicated to me via an easier speech or video I feel interesting.

If the same topic I can learn thru a practical demostration , I feel interested and value added to me. In one sentence after reading a topic for the 1st time if I can't understand it or feel interested I dont look it 2nd time.

Always my mind is going here and there while studying.
Soumick Basak 5 years ago
Soumick Basak said I like learning thru Audio but I have never been tested for ADHD. The thing is that when I read E-Books or Books after some time I feel irritated and I think to leave thereoff. I have Hypothyroidism, Uric Acid, Tryglicerides and diabetes. I feel irritated when reading books for long time , however, if the same thing has been communicated to me via an easier speech or video I feel interesting.

If the same topic I can learn thru a practical demostration , I feel interested and value added to me. In one sentence after reading a topic for the 1st time if I can't understand it or feel interested I dont look it 2nd time.

Always my mind is going here and there while studying.

I am an IT Consultant by profession. While working I feel irritated on thankless jobs like Project Plan preparation, documentation etc.
Soumick Basak 5 years ago
Well, I do not think anything is wrong with you.
You have an active mind and want to understand
Things in the way that works best for you.

For instance, I like reading best, because I am a very
Fast reader. And I can scan quickly when info
Is not presented well and if badly written, too
Wordy etc, I have no patience and find another
Book or video.

I used to teach. I would adapt the lesson to
How the person learns best-you know what works
For you and instead of trying to deal with
What does Not work? Find a way to get the info
That does work for you.
simone717 5 years ago

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