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Jaw and neck pain from overmasturbation and also very sensitive penis

28 years, male, 74 kg weight, 70 cm height, medium dark complexion, unmarried.
From last 5 - 6 years I have been masturbating a lot. Recently , I have not masturbating for 1 month. But the problem that I gained during overmasturbation , is not leaving me. Problem is jaw pain and both side of neck pain and numbness. I also have very sensitive penis causing orgasm and irritation when wearing tight pants.
[Edited by SUBHAJIT on 2019-05-11 06:51:24]
  SUBHAJIT on 2019-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Awaiting for doctor's reply .
SUBHAJIT 5 years ago
Thanks for reply . Actually I can't cope up with the problem that I have, and it makes the problem. Most of the time having a jerk or pulse in eye, jaw and neck together and it enforce me to have a sexual fantasy. This pulse is similar to the one which I usually have during ejaculation. But, peculiar thing is I am having this pulse without thinking about porn. But, yes , I have some selective porn, which come easily in my mind even when doing any urgent work.My penis is very sensitive, when I wear a tight pant for going outside of home, I feel a pressure over jaw ,neck and eye. Hot weather makes me mad to have sexual fantasy, as a result I need to Jack off. During ejaculation there is tremendous spasm in leg, hand , neck and eye. Another peculiar habit is , I always Jack off with fantasies, and only one particular woman comes in my mind (dream woman). ""It seems that, as if my brain always want to have sexual fantasies even when I have no energy to masturbate.""-- It is main problem.
I want to do each and every work in hurry(even during conversation), but ultimate result is zero . I don't know , may be all this things is psychological or mental , but I am facing problem in daily work and during concentration in study. 2 yearsl ago I visited Vellore and after check up they told me there was nothing wrong with me, everything is mental problem. And advised me to leave masturbation and all problems will vanish automatically. Then,I abstained myself from masturbation for 90 days, Problems little bit reduced but didn't vanish.
SUBHAJIT 5 years ago
I am having pill form of uslitago 30 near my home. Can I take this? How to take pill form of this medication?
And , will ustilago remove my penis sensitivity as well?

[Edited by SUBHAJIT on 2019-05-21 04:24:08]
SUBHAJIT 5 years ago

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