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Nat Phos side effects in infant.

My babys pediatrician who is holistic suggested Nat Phos x6 for his reflux. He's 16 weeks old. Today is his 2nd day on it. I give him one after each bottle..or about 4-5 a day.
He's been having an increase in stools & some diarrhea since starting this. Should I stop giving it to him or is this typical? He's acting normal & is showing improvement with reflux.
  Cmitche77 on 2019-08-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Just give two times a day. Only one tablet at a time or even half a tablet. Stop with 10-12 doses.

Chamomilla 30 and if not enough followed by Colocynthis 30 are likely to help more cases of reflux than Nat. Phos. 6x.
maheeru 5 years ago
Ok, thank you. I wasn't giving him 10-12...he was getting 4-5. I will try 1-2 times a day. His reflux is better.
Cmitche77 5 years ago
I didn't mean 10-12 to be given in one day. That would be self-defeating :) I wanted you to cap the total number of doses spread over a few days to 10-12.

In a day only 1 to 2 doses and go with half or one tablet. Enough.

If Nat. Phos. is not enough, you may try the other one--cham 30 once to twice a day for a few days then if not enough follow it up with Colocyn. 30 the same way.
maheeru 5 years ago
Great! Will try that. Thank you!!
Cmitche77 5 years ago
Studying the case ...

Nikkie 5 years ago
Hello Nikkie

If you want to take over the case, I'm not yielding.

If you track this for your interest or to give a differing opinion you are welcome.

It'd be better to study open cases if one does not want redundant effort.
maheeru 5 years ago
I gave him 1 this morning and he had diarrhea this afternoon. I will try 1/2 tablet tomorrow. He still isn't having any projectile vomiting. That part has improved. He's only having a couple wet burps.
Cmitche77 5 years ago
Ok, if not for your naturopath's advice, I'd have adviced Cham. or another one. But since Nat. phos has been taken already and had showed some progress, it's important that it's persisted with. According to homeopathic principles, there should not be unnecessary rotation of medicines.

Even after three half tablet doses ---diarrhoea occurs and no further improvement on other symptoms , then it can be stopped. After stopping Nat. Phos if still problems continue give an account of symptoms and a description about his temperament, other general details.

Along with diarrhoea --if good improvement is there with other main symptoms then it could be persisted for a few more doses.
[Edited by maheeru on 2019-08-12 00:43:43]
maheeru 5 years ago
Ok, I'll try 3 half doses tomorrow & let you know. Thank you!!
Cmitche77 5 years ago
What should the dosage be for the Cham 30 for a 4 month old baby? He still had diarrhea, but symptoms of reflux have improved.
Cmitche77 5 years ago
Is he a happy boy or an irritable boy either by nature or you might have seen this coming on after this reflux episode?

If he is irritable baby, then cham 30
If happy baby then Puls. 30.

Just a pill/drop as a dose. You can give one dose per day for three to four days and observe. If there is improvement, you can continue a few more doses every two days or so till you see > 80% improvement and stop.

But please confirm, if he is on breastfeed or bottlefeed?
maheeru 5 years ago
He's a happy baby even with the reflux. He had an episode where he stopped breathing from aspirating on his reflux a couple of weeks ago which is why I was advised to try the Nat Phos. Reflux is much better & still no more vomiting or coughing/choking spells. He's just having some mild diarrhea & a couple wet burps.
Cmitche77 5 years ago
Then please go with Puls. 30.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you
Cmitche77 5 years ago
Hello, my son is 8 months and I started Chamomil 30 can i give this Monring and night and Colocynthis 30 afternoon and evening.
My homeopathy doctor advised me to give phosphorus 30 And Boryonia 30 but Im not sure if thats safe. Please help if possible.
Thank you!!
Sharma11 5 years ago
Remedies are safe because there is nothing
Of the substance in them. They are so highly diluted
That the remedy is just a molecular imprint.

The purpose of the remedy selected is to mimic
The symptoms of the imbalance and other
Things like what makes things better or worse,
What was going on before this started etc.

When the remedy is a close match to symptoms
The body will recognize the remedy as a SECOND
Similar problem. The body will raise life force
To kick out the remedy and then target the real
simone717 5 years ago
Thank you so what do you suggest I use?
Sharma11 5 years ago
I suggest you follow your homeopath and
Do not self prescribe.
simone717 5 years ago
Sharma11 You did not write about the symptoms. If you were trying Cham./Colo for reflux--that would have been ok. But since you have visited doctor and have got an advice, you could follow that.

Simple answer for your question is yes homeopathic medicines are safe. But an in-depth answer depends on many factors. But based on sensitivity and susceptibility any medicinal substance can create uncomfortable symptoms, one needs to be watchful and do the needful to steer a case ahead.
maheeru 5 years ago
He is 8 months, he wakes up alot at night and lots of times we hear liquid going down. The doctor advised he has reflux but he doesnt feel he needs to be put on allopathy medicines as of now. So im trying Homeoapthy.
Cham did help him a little so far. He is also a little constipated, his stool is hard.
Sharma11 5 years ago
Phos. sounds a good choice here. You can go ahead with it. You can either go with it alone or you can follow your doctor --he can able to guide you further on your feedback.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you!!
Sharma11 5 years ago
Hi, Is Bryonia and Bryonia Alb the same medicine?
Sharma11 5 years ago
Hi Sharma,

Yes, they are the same. Bryonia Alba is
The full name.
simone717 5 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.