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Dr Maheeru. H Pylori infection with ulcers.

Hello Dr Maheeru,

This post if for my mother who has had H pylori infection for 20 years + with ulcers in stomach, two years ago she had fibroscopy which showed uclers and H pylori, got two antibiotics treatment, both failed.

Can you send me a questionnaire to fill to send you the symptoms, if needed?

I have prepared for her a essential oil treatment :

Essential oil Origanum vulgare kaliteri
4 ml
Essential oil Pistacia lentiscus 6 ml

Essential oil Chamaemelum nobile 4 ml

Essential oil Daucus carotta 6 ml

Nigella oil 10 ml

She takes 4 drops of the preparation, three times a day, in honey, 2 hours after meals or 1 hour before

She started yesterday.

I also advised her to take Apple Cider Vinegar after each meal.

Is there any cure in homeopathy for H pylori infections and ulcers? Can we kill the bacteria with homeopathy?

Her main symptoms are heart burning, food indigestion, stomach pain after eating, and after each meal she has to take Zantac, she has been doing that for twenty years for relief.

Thanks beforehand.
  syria on 2019-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Syria,

USA, FDA just came out today with a warning
That Zantac has been found to have small
Amounts of a cncrcausing chemical. Prilosec
, Prevacid etc do not contain this ingredient.

I just wanted to say that your mother should switch
To an alkaline diet for at least two weeks-
To reset her ph which is obviously acidic.
No matter what homeo meds you take , if
Food choices are wrong over a period of time,
The cells will get acidic and you have to
Fix the root cause - which is diet.

Also, research c b d oil, it is sold in France,
And has a huge anti inflammatory effect.
Some people I know, who have major food
Allergies( homeopathy has not worked for them)
Are using the c b d oil and after a few days
Their stomach/ intestines feel 90 percent better.

Btw- Maheeru is not a dr or homeopath,
But is very knowledgeable and successful at
Treating people. Too many people are being
Called Dr- and that has the effect of making
The forum look like a free clinic with real drs-
It gets tiresome having to explain this to new
simone717 5 years ago
Simone this is the second time I have to say this---please do not use--- 'not a homeopath' while you give an introduction to me. It's better to assume 'the posts are not from professionals' a rider, moderator has already stated in every page and is quite sufficient for help seekers to take notice.

If a seeker asks me about my credentials in private, I can always brief them.
[Edited by maheeru on 2019-09-14 18:03:46]
maheeru 5 years ago

Whether there is a medicine or not for a named condition, will get relevant details and will recommend something for your mother. Can't pre-judge results, but my try would be to give some relief.

You could avoid dr. title for anyone on this forum unless you know for sure in person that a particular person is dr. Dr. is not an important title. In fact it does not have any significance to me. You know in parts of sub-continent the drs(doctors) are out on strike all the time(relatively), to increase their perks, seek bouncers/cop protection to protect them from the wrath of mistreated patients' kith and kin.


On a lighter note :) you could see on above link, that absence of doctors is a good news for quite a few and how mortality rate goes down when doctors are not around!
[Edited by maheeru on 2019-09-14 20:59:26]
maheeru 5 years ago
Anyone giving health advice is a Doctor to me. You don't need a degree for that.

My granddad was a herbologist in his village, he cured so many people for different diseases, with no degree, everyone called him Doctor just for the help he provided and as a sign of respect. :-)
syria 5 years ago
Thank you Dr Maheeru. Please keep me updated if you find any treatment, and if you have questions, let me know.

For now, she started the essential oil treatment and kalonji oil formula with honey, I advised her to take Apple Cider Vinrgar after each meal to make her body alkaline, and if she agrees, from tomorrow, I will make her drink raw potato juice which is also said to be good for stomach ulcers anf H pylori.
syria 5 years ago
simone717 said Btw- Maheeru is not a dr or homeopath,
But is very knowledgeable and successful at
Treating people. Too many people are being
Called Dr- and that has the effect of making
The forum look like a free clinic with real drs-
It gets tiresome having to explain this to new

Simone, whilst Maheeru is not a doctor, saying he's not a homeopath is unfair. In most countries it's a title that expresses an interest, and (perhaps wrongly ) is not dependent on a qualification. He clearly is a homeopath .
moderator 5 years ago
I guess almost everyone on here who has
An interest in homeopathy can now call
Themselves a homeopath then.

Western people are wanting to know if a person
Is a licensed professional or not. USA you have to be licensed by
Your state. Italy you have to be an MD first and
Then choose homeopathy.

This forum is international, and When you have
Cultural traditions of Asia , such as calling
Everyone Dr who helps you, calling every
Member a homeopath is confusing
To Western people coming on the forum.
You cannot expect them to understand right off the bat.

Even I when first on here, had medical questions
For “dr Joe”, and was shocked to find out
After seeing tons of posts addressed to “dr joe”
That he was a retail store owner and no way
A dr.
Maheeru is an excellent prescriber and chalk
This up to cultural missunderstanding.
simone717 5 years ago
syria will come back in a couple of days with questions or remedy choice. Please wait.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you.
syria 5 years ago
Dr Maheeru, I forgot to mention. Since last month, she has pain in left foot heel when she walks, worse in the morning when wakes up, or sometimes during night too, and better from walking as the day passes.

She did an xray, it showed bone spur but the doctor did not read the report yet, she will go tomorrow. From what i understood, it read bone spur in heel.

For two days, she has been having back pain right side and middle also. It started the day after starting the oil I prepared her to drink with honey.

I think the pain in heel and pain in back are related, since she's using her right foot more than left because of pain, the pain is starting right side.

I gave her a dose of Arnica 200 yesterday, but it did not get better. Waiting for your approval to give her anything else.

She can't take allopathic anti-inflammatories for pain because they are very dangerous in case you have an ulcer. Painkillers can be taken, but I want your approval first.
syria 5 years ago
Let her go ahead with other natural stuff. Yes you can give her raw potato. Let her chew the potato and suck in the juice, the pulp may be thrown out later.

There is a nosode H Pylori but can be used at a later stage.

First let us try other things.

You can add a few more details about her temperament,personality, bettering/worsening factors any other symptom associated with any complaint or any thing unusual with her.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you. I will ask her these questions today and report back.

The heel pain and back pain are the other symptoms nowadays, will we adress them later?
syria 5 years ago
Let her take Robinia Q 5 drops in half a glass of water two times a day. It'd help with acidity, reflux, ulcer and related gastric stuff. This she can continue for next two to three months.

For heel pain, let her take Valerian Q 5 drops twice a day for a few weeks. Let's review this later.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you. I will try to get them as France has become very strict with mother tinctures.

Will Valeriana only help with pain or dissolve the bone spur?
syria 5 years ago
Robinia is essential. So try to get it even if you have to get it from outside.

Valerian is for heel pain till I get details from you and recommend a remedy for most of her symptoms.

If Valerian works, it could also help with spurs.
maheeru 5 years ago
Dr Maheeru, could only get both mother tinctures now due to health insurance problem. I have them now. Can she still start them?

Robinia twice a day after meals is better or before?
syria 5 years ago
Yes she can start them.

Robinia after the meal. Leave a gap of 20 to 30 minutes after last food/drink item.
maheeru 5 years ago
Dr Maheeru,

I would like to go on with my mother's treatment here if you still want to follow it up.

She had an appointment today with a new gastro enterologist, as the old one was useless and not following her case.

The new one is experienced, contrary to what my SISTER understood, as I did not attend the first meeting, there are no ulcers, but gastritis and H pylori.

She will have to do a fibroscopy again with biopsies. Until then, he advised to continue stomach protector (pantaprazol 40mg), even though its not good for health, he says if it relieves her, she can take it. 1 month before the fibroscopy, she will have to stop the medicine, and will take Pepsane (dimeticone) if needed.

Current symptoms :

Acid reflux, stomach burning, food remains stuck in stomach, dry cough mainly when lying down.

Thyroid problem, dont know much what exactly but will have to consult specialist to know more.

Both Elbow pain and both knee pain since a few months.

Cholerestrol was a bit high in last blood test, and thyroid was below range levels.

Shall she go on with Robinia Q, or something else, if yes, what dosage?
syria 4 years ago
Robinia shall be continued.

Nux vomica can be added. Let her take 30c once or twice a day(one pill/drop as a dose) or even once in two/three days based on need/impact for a couple of weeks.

If sensitivity is there wet dose may be needed.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-12-02 02:16:12]
maheeru 4 years ago
She has been taking Robinia twice daily and Nux 30c twice daily for three weeks.

Not much improvement, maybe 10-20% she says.

Shall she continue with the same frequency?
syria 4 years ago
In place of Nux vom 30, use Nux vom 200. One dose daily for four to five doses per week leaving two or three days without medicine. Continue the procedure for four weeks. Report changes thereafter.
maheeru 4 years ago
Hello Dr Maheeru,

She only tooka dose or two of Nux 200, she's not very serious when it comes to taking remedies...

She has developped joint pain in both knees, especially right knee, and left shoulder.

She's on anti-inflammatory right now as the pain kept increasing. She never had joint pain before.

She got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

They did a special test of her thyroid, they found hot nodules, and a low TSH, meaning it's hyperthyroidism.

Last week the doctor called and said she will have to take iodine pill.

She called again on Friday and said that the TSH level got a bit up and is back in range and for now, she doesn't need any treatment, but the tsh will be checked every month, and if it goes down again, she will have to take iodine treatment...

What's your view on the iodine treatment?
Is there a homeopathic treatment to hyperthyroidism?

On Tuesday, she has her appointment with gastroenterologist. They rechecked her stomach, H Pylori is still there, with chronic gastritis, no ulcer.

She wants to take the antibiotics for her H Pylori. I tried convincing her but to no avail.

I would like to treat her hyperthyroidism though, to avoid any invasive treatment. Could you help with that? I was thinking of Lycopus mother tincture? L-cartinin? Co-enzyme Q10?
Or is there a homeopathic approach to it?
[Edited by syria on 2021-04-11 12:54:16]
syria 3 years ago
It's important to take remedies to get full benefit.

There is homeopathic Iodine but we can go there next. Before that for her general symptoms would like to exhaust the action of a remedy, Lycopodium. First let her use 30c then 200c. 30c means weekly twice for upto 8-12 doses. Then after a gap weekly doses of Lyc 200.

No problem if she can take Q10, Carnitine(does she have heart oriented symptoms?). Lycopus a good support in low potencies, well we'll try single remedies first.
maheeru 3 years ago
Thank you. :-)

Will make sure she takes the doses.
syria 3 years ago
Just to be sure, she has HYPER thyroidism and not HYPO. Is Lycopodium advised for HYPER thyroidism also?

She took her first dose today. :-)

She's on PYLERA antibiotics for her H Pylori. She has to take it for 10 days.

For your questions :

No she doesn't have heart symptoms (cartinin).

I will first give her Co enzyme Q10, around 100 mg a day.

Lycopus mother tincture is not advised yet?
[Edited by syria on 2021-04-18 03:28:17]
syria 3 years ago

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