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pudendal nerve neuralgia pain 45


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pudendal Nerve Pain

Hi I am looking for a remedy for pudendal nerve pain. My pain manifest mainly in the rectum area and is aggravated by sitting. Standing and lying down sooth the pain. Warm and cold both help too, but warm seems better. I am taking meds for nerve pain and have compounded pain suppositories. This pain started about 10 years ago when I fell on my butt. It got worse when I ruptured two disks the next year. I have had periods of relief, but have been in near constant pain for the last 8 months. I am under a doctors (spcialist) care and am doing Physical Therapy with a Pelvic Floor PT.

The pain when sitting is deep and throbbing, stabbing and relentless. Standing walking and sitting (laying) in a hot tub of water helps. I also get pain in my lower back and left side when sitting.

My lower back can also hurt when standing too long.

I am very sensitive person and tend to be anxious at times. I have dreams that when I wake up make me feel anxious at night.

I am creative do many creative things.
  Merna1 on 2019-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c three times a day for three days followed by Hypericum 200c, three times a day for three days and see how you feel after that.

1 dose is 2 pills.
Tui 4 years ago
I had prostate robotic surgery on September 9th 2019. I was diagnosed with prudential neuralgia and chronic pelvic pain! Due to this I have incontinence with urgency. I have had the prudential nerve block which did not work. I am with an acupuncturist and have therapeutic massages!
The pain is sharp and burning in the rectal with most of the pain on the right side. Constipation increases the pain! I have started pelvic floor yoga.
Hollidayte 3 years ago
What are your symptoms now it seems you have posted this just for information or you need any advise
Please elaborate your present symptoms if you want prescription
Kaps 3 years ago
Sharp burning pain in the rectal area. The only time the pain subsides is when lying down. I would like to know what to take to ease the pain.
Hollidayte 3 years ago

You could do the original advice(from Tui with slight modification) initially. Use Arnica 200 and Hypericum 200 twice daily for a week or so. Then for nerve pain you can continue Hypericum 200 on and off for some weeks.

If this persists after first line of treatment another suitable remedy may have to be taken.
maheeru 3 years ago
Hollidayte 3 years ago

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