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Boiron Arnicare ®:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pain in right leg, lower back, hip and frontal thigh

Dear sir

I m male 35 years due to sit on the chair and don't go outside to take sun.

Vitamin D is low 12 percentage in health report.

Rest report like uric acid and X ray report is fine.

Doctor suggest to take D gain 60k and pregablin NT.

A case of fibromyalgia also written on prescription

I m less talkative and thinking much about future.

After taking medicine 60 percent relief.

Attached file contains area where is paining.

Please advise

  Nitesh Kamal on 2019-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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Nitesh Kamal 5 years ago

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Nitesh Kamal 5 years ago
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Nitesh Kamal 5 years ago
Please help someone
Nitesh Kamal 5 years ago
If Fibromyalgia confirmed ? Did you get a second opinion ? If not, you definitely should from a senior, reputed doc. However, since you posted the question on homeopathy forum, kindly await feedback and guidance from a homeopath.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to removal of calcium from bones, which leads to pain in bones. It usually starts from fingers, toes, wrist, foot. It usually doesn't start from thigh, upper arm etc., but as I am not a doctor. This is what I have been told by a doctor.

Vitamin D deficiency is routinely treated in allopathy through a graduated dose of Cholecalciferol 60000gm (D gain 60K, D rise 60k, Calcirol etc.), with change in food habits to include green leafies (especially Methi), butter-milk (chhachh) etc. and min 30min exposure to morning sun. Other than that, treating the mind is perhaps a key thing. Do not let health worry push you into depression. Remain positive, try to push yourself to do things that you enjoy, try to interact with people, volunteer for social activities, try to get out of house.

As I said earlier, the above are general, good health advise, but if you are looking for homeopathic medicines, please wait around.
falcon74 5 years ago
Arnica 200
5drops+ 250ml water
Shake the bottle ৪ times and take only 10ml from it in the morning in empty stomach.

Then no medicine for next 2 days.

From 3rd day:
Causticum 30
6pills 3 times a day in empty stomach.
Continue it for 3 days.

Give feedback after that.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago

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