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Enlarged adenoid and nose block, sinus in 4 year old
Hello drs..My son has breathing issues from past 2 months..along with recurrent cough cold..
He is breathing very loud with whistling sound, wheezing in chest, snoring, nose block in sleeping.
Very irritable, beating everybody, crying and shouting ( which is not his usual behaviour).
Morning get up with cough ( dry and very loud).
Very restless sleep...crying in sleep and moving forward and backward continuously in sleep..
Dr says this is becoz he can't breathe properly in sleep.
Doesn't want to get up from sleep..very lazy and tired whole day..constant 99.5 fever starting from morning..
we are very worried to see him like this..he try to grasp air while eating and feel nausea also..Doesn't want to eat..he used to have very good appetite before.
he is diagnosed with enlarged adenoids, sinus and nose block, dr says so much inflammation in nose.
His chest x ray shows bronchitis and fibrosis ( dr says fibrosis is since birth as he born with premature lungs).
I started with steroid spray in nose to open the nose.
Till now no relief in sleeping pattern and nose.
I am observing him. Already tried spongia, ipecac and calc phos.
Plz note we have family history of sinus, asthma , TB..
Thanku dr..
[Edited by RJ121 on 2019-11-27 02:17:25]
RJ121 on 2019-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Hello sir,
I have tub 200 at present..need to arrange tub 1 M, will take some time..
As my son is little chubby, and round mouth, sweat a lot on head even in sleep, has milestone delayed in early age and calc carb suits him in his earlier sore throat and acidity..
So i was thinking of Bacillinium 200 or tuberculinum 200 1 dose weekly and calc carb 30 daily..
Plz suggest ur opinion..
I have tub 200 at present..need to arrange tub 1 M, will take some time..
As my son is little chubby, and round mouth, sweat a lot on head even in sleep, has milestone delayed in early age and calc carb suits him in his earlier sore throat and acidity..
So i was thinking of Bacillinium 200 or tuberculinum 200 1 dose weekly and calc carb 30 daily..
Plz suggest ur opinion..
RJ121 5 years ago
You can use tub 200 weekly or probably need more frequently in a beginning. And use calc 30c daily. You will also need another remedies as his symptoms start to change so be mindful...And carefully observe the symptoms.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
RJ121 5 years ago
Hello sir,
Sorry when i checked i had bacilinium 200 not tuberculinium.i searched on net and couldn't find much difference in symptoms between two.
I gave my kid 1 dose of bacilinium 200 at afternoon..aftr which he slept as that was his sleeping time..
In sleep he coughed very loud many times and i could sense lot of wheezing in chest which wasn't there before.
After wake up also he coughed occasionally..dry cough..also his mood was bad..and he was rubbing nose also..
I don't see improvement aftr bacilinium rather i see so much aggravation..He wasn't coughing like this before taking medicine.
Also now in night he slept very late and same deep breathing and wheezing..
Is this aggravation of medicine or proving?
Or simply his problem increased and this medicine didn't work for him.
Sorry when i checked i had bacilinium 200 not tuberculinium.i searched on net and couldn't find much difference in symptoms between two.
I gave my kid 1 dose of bacilinium 200 at afternoon..aftr which he slept as that was his sleeping time..
In sleep he coughed very loud many times and i could sense lot of wheezing in chest which wasn't there before.
After wake up also he coughed occasionally..dry cough..also his mood was bad..and he was rubbing nose also..
I don't see improvement aftr bacilinium rather i see so much aggravation..He wasn't coughing like this before taking medicine.
Also now in night he slept very late and same deep breathing and wheezing..
Is this aggravation of medicine or proving?
Or simply his problem increased and this medicine didn't work for him.
RJ121 5 years ago
use Arsenicum 30c every 2 -3 hours today.
also, check the following remedies;
Ant-t - if the cough sounds loose, but no mucus coming up. and much wheezing. And very tired, drowsy + difficult breathing.
Bryonia - get pain ( somewhere in a body, like headaches, chest pain, etc) every time he coughs and the cough is dry.
Ipecac - similar to Ant-t but less drowsy. Loud cough and coughing a lot but can't get the mucus out. May also vomit after cough.
Kali carb - heading toward pneumonia...
And please get tub 200 or 1M as it covers enlarged adenoid. (Bac doesn't cover this)
Aggravations and provings are two different things;
Aggravations are temporary aggravations of your existing symptoms. Provings mean you started to have the symptoms that you have never had before and you can find the symptom in Materia Medica.
So in your case, it is an aggravation, not proving.
also, check the following remedies;
Ant-t - if the cough sounds loose, but no mucus coming up. and much wheezing. And very tired, drowsy + difficult breathing.
Bryonia - get pain ( somewhere in a body, like headaches, chest pain, etc) every time he coughs and the cough is dry.
Ipecac - similar to Ant-t but less drowsy. Loud cough and coughing a lot but can't get the mucus out. May also vomit after cough.
Kali carb - heading toward pneumonia...
And please get tub 200 or 1M as it covers enlarged adenoid. (Bac doesn't cover this)
Aggravations and provings are two different things;
Aggravations are temporary aggravations of your existing symptoms. Provings mean you started to have the symptoms that you have never had before and you can find the symptom in Materia Medica.
So in your case, it is an aggravation, not proving.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Thanku so much for this explanation.
Plz mention me as earlier we discuss tp give calc carb daily so does calc carb cover enlarged adenoid or not?
Thanku for answering all my queries.
Plz mention me as earlier we discuss tp give calc carb daily so does calc carb cover enlarged adenoid or not?
Thanku for answering all my queries.
RJ121 5 years ago
I don't see Calc at this stage as it has been going on for so long... so most likely your child needs remedies like Antimonium tart, Phosphorus and Kali carb, may also need nosodes such as Tub, Psorinum (recurrent colds and always sick) in 200c or 1M.
And Echinacea Q 5 drops in 1 oz water 3 times daily to support the immune system.
So I would suggest you start with Ars 30c up to 4 -5 doses and if you don't see any relief within 48 hours, change the potency to 200c twice a day and see how he does. If it still doesn't give any relief, and the symptoms stay the same, then move on to Ant-t 30 c and 200c, use the same way as Ars.
And Echinacea Q 5 drops in 1 oz water 3 times daily to support the immune system.
So I would suggest you start with Ars 30c up to 4 -5 doses and if you don't see any relief within 48 hours, change the potency to 200c twice a day and see how he does. If it still doesn't give any relief, and the symptoms stay the same, then move on to Ant-t 30 c and 200c, use the same way as Ars.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Hello sir,
At present his right nose is compeletly blocked with yellow phlegm,
Nose block at night, could not breathe, choking cough with breathless suddenly while sleeping, deep breathing from mouth, nasal congestion
Very loud cough from chest, full of phlegm,
No running nose, stuffed nose with phlegm .
No fever, mood good, playful
Which medicine i should give him?
At present his right nose is compeletly blocked with yellow phlegm,
Nose block at night, could not breathe, choking cough with breathless suddenly while sleeping, deep breathing from mouth, nasal congestion
Very loud cough from chest, full of phlegm,
No running nose, stuffed nose with phlegm .
No fever, mood good, playful
Which medicine i should give him?
RJ121 5 years ago
Use Kali carb 30c every 3 hours up to 4 doses today.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
♡ Tui 5 years ago
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