The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR)
Hi,I am suffering from Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). Attached ar e the reports. Also having high blood pressure (160/100).
Eye specialist suggest me to go for laser surgery for Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). However I want to know whether there is any medicine available in homeopathy to cure my case.
My blood report (CBC, blood glucose, Lipid profile, Creatine, SGPT, Vit B12, Vit D, Thyroid) all OK, except Triglycerides is 230.
Please help.
Sumanta Das
sumantadas1983 on 2019-12-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
sumantadas1983 saidHi,
I am suffering from Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). Attached ar e the reports. Also having high blood pressure (160/100).
Eye specialist suggest me to go for laser surgery for Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). However I want to know whether there is any medicine available in homeopathy to cure my case.
My blood report (CBC, blood glucose, Lipid profile, Creatine, SGPT, Vit B12, Vit D, Thyroid) all OK, except Triglycerides is 230.
Please help.
Sumanta Das
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sumantadas1983 5 years ago
Start with Aurum met 30c 3 times a day for 10 days and report back if anything changes.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Hi Tui,
My BP is normal now. It is around 125/81 - 130/85 most of the time.
However my Eye condition is same. I am seeing an Halo circle on right eye when I blink my eyes. Right eye vision is slightly blurry. And there is frontal and rear headache now. Feel relaxed after splashing water on eye. Also slight message on head gives some relief. Lying on chair with a head support on back of head and closing eye is very relaxing.
My BP is normal now. It is around 125/81 - 130/85 most of the time.
However my Eye condition is same. I am seeing an Halo circle on right eye when I blink my eyes. Right eye vision is slightly blurry. And there is frontal and rear headache now. Feel relaxed after splashing water on eye. Also slight message on head gives some relief. Lying on chair with a head support on back of head and closing eye is very relaxing.
sumantadas1983 5 years ago
stop Aurum met and start with Belladonna 30c, twice a day for 10 days and see if your vision will improve.
1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Hi Tui,
There is no headache now. However my vision is still the same. When I blink my eyes I am seeing an Halo circle on right eye.
Please help.
There is no headache now. However my vision is still the same. When I blink my eyes I am seeing an Halo circle on right eye.
Please help.
sumantadas1983 5 years ago
Continue with Belladonna 30 twice daily for a few weeks and report.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
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