The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bilateral Varicocele with azuspermia nill sperm age 36-37 years
Dear allMy age is 36 .I am a male patient.
I had been diagnosed varicocele in both of my testis.
Grade 1 varicocele in right side testis
Reflux-+ on Valsalva maneuor
Grade 3 varicocele in the left side testis reflux-+++ on Valsalva maneuor
Small sized left testis
Serum FSH 9.28
Mild hypoplastic Rt. epididymis in right testicle
Locculated clear cystic area of 21/11mm in size at upper pole aspect in tunica vaginalis region
Minimal dilated Rt. Sided vas noted
Poor but present vascularities in left testis and epididymis
Sperm analysis
Nill sperm
Azuspermia is diagnosed 4 times since 2015 .Recently test was done 3 months back then also nill sperm is found.11 years of marriage but no child
Premature ejaculation
Pain in back
Gastric problems acidity
Frequently get tired
No pain in testis
Always urge to lay down flat otherwise back pain
Sitting work is in excess
No alcohol
No smoking
Please help
sallahibhai on 2019-12-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 3c or 6c twice daily and
Hamamelis 200c 1 dose every 2 - 3 days for a few weeks.
Report back if you started to feel any changes in anywhere.
1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
[Edited by Tui on 2019-12-18 02:14:05]
Hamamelis 200c 1 dose every 2 - 3 days for a few weeks.
Report back if you started to feel any changes in anywhere.
1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
[Edited by Tui on 2019-12-18 02:14:05]
♡ Tui 5 years ago
sallahibhai 5 years ago
Tui today I have received my ordered medicines that you have subscribed. Could you please elaborate on
Doses of Arnica. And how to consume it I mean directly or with water?
Also how to take hamamelis I mean directly or with water.
Doses of Arnica. And how to consume it I mean directly or with water?
Also how to take hamamelis I mean directly or with water.
sallahibhai 5 years ago
If you got pill form, take directly and let it dissolve in your mouth. If you have liquid form, put 2 drops in a little water and keep it in your mouth for a few moments before swallowing.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Sir I got liquid.Today I have taken Arnica 2-drops twice that I will take daily and
Hamamelis 2-drops ( for 3- days)
So plz tell should I continue with this dose or any change?
Hamamelis 2-drops ( for 3- days)
So plz tell should I continue with this dose or any change?
sallahibhai 5 years ago
Dear Sir
I am taking the medicine you suggested (arnica and Hamamelis) it's been 20 days around and what I felt is
There is improvement in erection but ejaculation time is still less.
Back pain is little but decreased.
Gastric problem is still there as it was.
I have not gone through sperm test during this period of time so can not say anything about the sperm count.
Thanking you
I am taking the medicine you suggested (arnica and Hamamelis) it's been 20 days around and what I felt is
There is improvement in erection but ejaculation time is still less.
Back pain is little but decreased.
Gastric problem is still there as it was.
I have not gone through sperm test during this period of time so can not say anything about the sperm count.
Thanking you
sallahibhai 5 years ago
Continue with the remedies.
And take Nux vomica 30c, up to 3 doses per day for gastric problems. Reduce the dosage as you started to feel better.
1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
And take Nux vomica 30c, up to 3 doses per day for gastric problems. Reduce the dosage as you started to feel better.
1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Dear Sallahibhai,
Use Asgand Nagori half tea spoon in night with milk for back pain, Erection and better timing atleast one month, you will see result, rest assured.
Use Asgand Nagori half tea spoon in night with milk for back pain, Erection and better timing atleast one month, you will see result, rest assured.
Altafinkarachi 5 years ago
Dear sir
I am taking haemamelis, arnica ,nux as per your subscription from last 6 months regularly.
Few days back I had gone for USG of testis and testicular biopsy
Now again the USG report says
I have vericocele grade 3 in left side
And vericocele grade 1 in right side.
No improvement.
Biopsy report says
Maturation arrest of spermatocyte level.
Biopsy report is attached.
What to do next please suggest
I am taking haemamelis, arnica ,nux as per your subscription from last 6 months regularly.
Few days back I had gone for USG of testis and testicular biopsy
Now again the USG report says
I have vericocele grade 3 in left side
And vericocele grade 1 in right side.
No improvement.
Biopsy report says
Maturation arrest of spermatocyte level.
Biopsy report is attached.
What to do next please suggest
sallahibhai 3 years ago
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