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Intolerance to food, medicine and chemicals

After i was given calcarea carbonica for almost a year (from 9 ch to 10m ch again and again) together with pulsatila and aconitum and a lot of other remedies, i had a shock when i noticed i had intolerance to certain food and i couldn't take medicine any longer. The symptoms after i take medicine are itch, intense itch on my back and the whole body but also internal itch ( throat, abdomen, ears). Also i experience insomnia, and if i get to sleep, i feel burning pains on my shoulders, neck,and arms during sleep and lack of sweat. My blood pressure goes very high and my skin is burning.After a faeces analysis,the quantity of histamine was shown to be very high,above the normal values. I tried antihistamine medicine but i cannot tolerate them, either.
It,s 4 years since i have had these symptoms.
Can anyone tell me how to reverse the effects of calcarea carbonica or what can i do to sweat again during sleep?
Thank you
  iulia2005 on 2020-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What was your original complaint before you started to take calc carb ?

And which one is totally new symptoms that you have never had in your life? Itching the whole body? Internal itch? Unable to sweat? High BP? Food intolerance?

And which symptoms are the old symptoms that you had before starting all the homeopathic remedies?

And are you taking any medications? Some Meds can make you itch, for example, thyroid medication can make you itch.
Tui 5 years ago
1. Original complaint (I am 64 woman)
digestive troubles;

2. itching the whole body; internal itch; unable to sweat; I had no intolerance to food till i started to take homeopathic treatment in 2006;

3 i was given homeopathic treatment for hemoragias ( it had no effect it was followed by histerectomia) and glottis edema whenever i got a respiratory infection; apis was working indeed; for the rest I had no problems;

4 I can't take medication anylonger; What i take is half a pill of perindoprill for BP; I can't take more; a quarter of pill hidroxizine for itches; if I take more I start to shiver it gives me tremor;no thyroid medication; and half anxiar ( a benzodiazepine) to get some sleep;If I try to take other medication my skin and body start to itch and burn ;

2014 may / digestive troubles (an hour after the meal i felt a lump in my esophagus as if food had stopped there followed by pains in the stomach.
I was given calcarea carbonica 9 ch + Lycopodium 9ch, for a month, 3 times a day ( blood pressure normalized and i slept better but no benefit for digestive problems;)
June 2014 Calcarea Carb 30 ch + Lyco 30ch;
july 2014 with calc carb200 + lyco 200 + bryonia 200 ch;
august calc carb 1M + Lyco 1M + Bryonia 1M;
september calc carb 10 M +Lyco 10 M + bryonia 1M; no change

2014 oct got a respiratory infection + anal fissure
calc silicata30 ch + aesculus 9 ch + hepar sulphur 30 ch
Effect: =generalized vasoconstriction and nausea with vomiting.

2015-january severe flue
hepar sulphur 30and 200 ch +bryonia 30 ch + phosphorus 30 ch+ ANTIM TARTaricum 30 + spongia tosta 30 ch
Effect: itch in my thoat
Calcarea carb 30+ argentum nitricum 9 ch
Effect terrible itch in my throat
Pulmin histam 30 ch for 15 days ithing got worse; for the first time I noticed intolerance to fish;
Histaminum 9 ch stopped the itching but nausea returned;
no itch till nov 2015
then i was given argentum nitricum 200 ch up to 10M in july, august and september;first twice a week and then once a week;
I could take some medication; for instance a whole pill for BP

nov 2015
much fear in the plane; I had not been afraid of flying before;
calcarea carbonica 30 ch + Pulsatila 30 ch + aconitum 200 ch;

started to feel itch on my back on the spots where i have disk hernias;and i noticed i didn't sweat any longer; I used to sweat a lot during nights ;

Then the doctor raised pulsatilla to 200 ch and calcarea carbonica to 200 ch; then "demons got unleashed"
itching started with an unbearable intensity; inside my body, on the skin, under the skin, in my throat, ears, eyes, bowels; became restless; irritable, depressed, cryed all the time, got insomnias;I could not take any medication and could not eat a lot of foods; all gave me itches;

Then i was given nux vomica 9 ch and i noticed a burning feeling on the areas where i used to sweat before: head,neck, back, chest and arms; no drop of sweat; the next day i feel bad that area itches, burns all day long; sometimes i have pins and needles or pains on the skin; It aggravates at stress,

before, whenever i dreamed ( in the REM phase of the sleep) I used to sweat a lot and got better; now my body gets extremely hot, burning skin,the BP rises very high ( 190-120); tachicardia but no sweat; during the day if i dress very thick and walk fast i can sweat a little but not at night;
iulia2005 5 years ago
Take Rhus tox 30c three times a day for a few days.

1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops.
Tui 5 years ago
Also, check for any kidney disease or liver disease, and possibly diabetes which can cause itching and inability to sweat.

And you need to review your medications as bp med can cause dizziness, and tremors. And benzo can cause numerous problems if you take them for the long term.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you for your prompt answer.
I forgot to write that the skin is extremely sensitive. I can't stand a massage or being touched ( for instance clothes); also my nerves are oversensitive ( can't stand watching tv or doing things that ask for patience)
I had my kidneys checked( there is an 2 cm angiolipoma in the right kidney)
I have no diabetes ( checked that too)
As for the liver i have steatosis.
iulia2005 5 years ago
I also have intolerance to histamine ( the value of diaminoxidaze is lower than the minimal value)
The mast cell and basofils got extremely active ( it's mast cell activation disorder.)
Also i have thalassemia and sleep apneas ( central, mixed and obstructive).
iulia2005 5 years ago
You may think that calc carb caused all your problems but it is not so.
Calc and possibly Pulsatilla and other remedies brought out and intensified the things that you need to pay attention to; the liver, kidneys, and nerves.

You can start with Rhus tox but your case is a complex case so you will need a series of remedies and will take many many months Also, it is very difficult to manage through an online forum like this one so probably the best to seek professional homeopath in person so you don't waste your time.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you very much.I appreciate your honesty.
Unfortunately, i am desperate. I don't have any hope. I went to more than 16 homeopaths in my country and for the symptoms i described i was given 16 different remedies. I am confused already.
God bless you.
iulia2005 5 years ago
Would you, please, tell me if i should take a remedy to open the emonctories, first? I refer to liver, kidneys and skin.
Could you help me with an idea?
Thank you
iulia2005 5 years ago
Please specify which symptom is applicable to you from u/m rubrics

mind, fear, touch, of: arn {2} [kr]

mind, frightened, touch, form: kali-c {2} [kr]

mind, touched, aversion to being caressed: cina {2} [kr]

aversion, approached or being touched: cham {3} [p]

clothes, uncomfortable: spong {1} [p]

saddle across nose + cannot bear tight clothes around neck: sep

sacrum extremely sensitive + leans forward to avoid contact of clothes: lob

oversensitive nerves + cold shivers from any emotion: asar

clothes uncomfortable spong

generalities, convulsions, touched, when: cic {3} [kr]

generalities, shuddering, nervous, part touched: spig {2} [kr]

generalities, trembling, touch, unexpected: cocc {2} [kr]
mind, anger, touched, when: tarent {3} [kr]
mind, fear, approaching him, lest he be touched: arn {3} [kr]
mind, fear, touch, of: arn {2} [kr]
mind, frightened, touch, form: Kali-c {2} [kr]
mind, insanity, touched, will not be: thuj {2} [kr]
mind, starting, sleep, from sleep, from slightest touch: ruta {2} [kr]
mind, starting, touched, when: kali-c {3} [kr]
mind, touched, aversion to being caressed: cina {2} [kr]
touch, slight < (agg.): lach {3} [p]
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Unfortunately, i couldn't find one that suits exactly.
When under great emotion or fearI used to shiver,feel heat on my spine followed immediately by sweat (that was the way i reacted before the last dose of calcarea and pulsatila and aconitum) then i had to go quickly to the toilet with diarea.
Now since i was given calcarea carb i feel heat followed by itching and burning skin.
I can compare the feeling on my back with the symptoms given by zona zoster. (Pain mixed with itch, burning , smarting)
For the mind i am restless,
extremely anxious, frightened that i will never recover and then fall in the deepest depression starting to cry with despair, wishing i hadn't been born.
As to being touched i can't stand my skin to be touched and rubbed by clothes or if someone tries to put on cream on my back, i ask not to be rubbed because the skin starts to itch or burn.
The more i scratch the more the itch becomes intolerable. (before these symptoms started,i used to go for a massage. I used to like it very much). Not now.
I can' t stand the blanket to cover my arms and neck. I feel burning and i have to move my arms all the time.
I am sleepy at night and it happens to feel cold (cold feet) because of the Atarax. The moment (after 15 minutes or so) i get into the slight sleep i feel an intense heat that goes from head to feet and my body is burning, my pulse gets from 60 to 100 immediately, my bp. goes very high and my heart almost jumps out of my chest . It' s like a shock.I wait for 30 min or so that my bp goes down.and when i try to sleep again the same thing happens.All night long.My left heart ventricle
got thicker from these shocks all night long. Once or twice a months i can sweat very little and then everything is all right. The next day i feel very well.
Unfortunately, it seems i don' t fit in any of the rubrics.
iulia2005 5 years ago
My nightmare comes from the supressed perspiration. The doctor herself said when i went to her that she will change my calcium metabolism and she would make me sweat less. I used to sweat very very much. I did not know then how useful those sweats were.
iulia2005 5 years ago
Yes, most rubrics fit in. Very few do not. For instance i think of death, at despair, but i wouldn't like to die. I think of my illness all the time but the moment i feel a little better i start making plans and love to do any task.
About perspiration, if i dress with thick clothes and do a lot of physical effort i manage to sweat and i feel better. Physical effort brings perspiration but not while i am asleep, unfortunately.
As i said when i wake up suddenly during sleep the temperature of my body is high and i use a wet towel to cool the hot skin on my chest.I always feel better in summer because i sweat more easily. I don't like winter,humid, cold and windy weather. I have also rheumatism.
Before last dose of calcarea i had only pains on my back.Now those pains changed and feel like itch,
burns , pins and needles,smart pains and as if the nerves are pinched and lost the mielin sheath.
If i try to do something that asks for concentration i feel my nerves burn, as in a shortcircuit.
Thank you vey much
[Edited by iulia2005 on 2020-01-06 13:27:24]
iulia2005 5 years ago

Mind; psychological themes; anxiety, fear
Mind; psychological themes; distance, reservation
Mind; anxiety; death, with desire of
Mind; anxiety; perspiration; amel.
Mind; brooding
Mind; brooding; condition, illness, about ones
Mind; concentration; aversion to
Mind; death; desires; sadness, without, with disgust of life
Mind; fear
Mind; fear; diarrhea; with
Mind; fear; perspiration, with
Mind; perspiration; amel.
Mind; perspiration; suppressed, agg.
Mind; restlessness, nervousness; perspiration; amel.
Mind; weeping, tearful mood; anxiety, with
Mind; weeping, tearful mood; despair, from
Abdomen; pain; clothing; agg.
Abdomen; pressure; agg.; clothes, of
Back; heat; spine, vertebrae
Back; itching; painful; scratching, from
Back; pain; itching
Combined rubrics: Fever, heat; perspiration; absent, without / Perspiration; perspire, as if about to, but no moisture appears / Skin; dryness; perspire, cannot / Skin; inactivity
Fever, heat; perspiration; absent, without
Perspiration; perspire, as if about to, but no moisture appears
Skin; dryness; perspire, cannot
Skin; inactivity
Skin; clothing agg.
Skin; itching; clothing agg.
Skin; itching; touch; agg.; clothes, of
Skin; itching; burning, smarting
Skin; itching; burning, smarting; scratching, after
Skin; itching; burning, smarting; parts; painful
Generalities; pain; sore, bruised; touch, on; clothes, of
Generalities; perspiration; suppressed
Generalities; pressure; agg.; clothes, of
Generalities; rubbing, massage, friction; agg.; clothing, of
Boger's General Analysis 7; clothes, pressure of, agg.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Yes, they fit almost all.
As concentration is concerned when i try to concentrate or do intellectual work, my nerves burn like in shorcircuit.

I don't like cold, wet, windy weather.I prefer the warm weather,the summer, because i can sweat more easily.I have rheumatism.
Before the last dose of calcarea i felt only pain on my spine. After that the pain changed into that nasty itch, smart pain,burning, pins and needlesas as if the nerves lost the mielin sheath.
iulia2005 5 years ago
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER.

Day 2 onwards.

Sulphur 30 five pellets three times a day and Nat Mur 6x five tabs three times a day .

First feedback after 4 days,
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Thank you.
iulia2005 5 years ago

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