The ABC Homeopathy Forum
help needed for squint eyes
Dear doc.My son 3.5 years old now is having squint (esotropia) since he was 2.
I took him to many ophtamologists but no improvement seen.
And now desperately I turned to the homeopathic treatment.
His right eye turns in more and left a little bit. Sometimes he shows the symptoms of myopia also.
Please recommend me a treatment.
I hope a good and timely resppnse sir.
Shakash88 on 2020-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give full details. How her eyes turn? What is the turning direction. Towards nose? Upwards? Downwards? Any watery discharge from eyes? Irritation?
What types of myopia? Is there any problem watching object so far? Or any problem watching nearer object?
Give full details. Give full details of his all problems. Don't skip anyone. Give full details of his likes and dislikes of foods, weather etc.
What types of myopia? Is there any problem watching object so far? Or any problem watching nearer object?
Give full details. Give full details of his all problems. Don't skip anyone. Give full details of his likes and dislikes of foods, weather etc.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
His right eye turns inward and left is better he dont feel any difficulty in reading or seeing his favorite objects , he is an active boy and love playing any kind of game, indoor or out door.
Sometimes he rubs his right eye.
And sometimes he get closer to TV.
I am attaching his selfie PIC
Sometimes he rubs his right eye.
And sometimes he get closer to TV.
I am attaching his selfie PIC
Shakash88 5 years ago
It was happened when he was 2 years old. What is the actual time of his dentition?
Is it happened along with his dentition?
Is it happened along with his dentition?
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I can not tell the exact time of his dentition, but it is infact we at home noticed his first squint at the age of 2 in his second birthday pics and we were worried so much that we went to the ophthalmologist right the nextday.
He has a very severe problem of pinworms.
And one more thing is that before we noticed the squint my son had a severe infectious diarrhea along bloody stools.
The diarrhea had long gone but squint persists.
He has a very severe problem of pinworms.
And one more thing is that before we noticed the squint my son had a severe infectious diarrhea along bloody stools.
The diarrhea had long gone but squint persists.
Shakash88 5 years ago
Cina 30
Take in pill form
3 pills 2 times a day with a gap of 12 hours.
Keep updating every 3 days.
***Be careful. It is Cina 30. Not China.
C...I.. N...A
And when you go to shop, show the shopkeeper by writing this on a paper.
*Cina 30- Pill form- 1 drum
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-01-16 01:51:07]
Take in pill form
3 pills 2 times a day with a gap of 12 hours.
Keep updating every 3 days.
***Be careful. It is Cina 30. Not China.
C...I.. N...A
And when you go to shop, show the shopkeeper by writing this on a paper.
*Cina 30- Pill form- 1 drum
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-01-16 01:51:07]
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Sir i have tried CINA 30 pills for more than 5 days but could not notice any improvement
Please help me.
Please help me.
Shakash88 5 years ago
One more important notice sir today I noticed my son when he was watching the TV, that he was changing his focus and was trying to close his left eye.
Is it worth worrying???
Is it worth worrying???
Shakash88 5 years ago
If I may add: in addition, Please put some covers like blinkers on horses on both eyes, if both are bad.
If you think one eye (left) is good then close this eye using some cloth tape and let the child use only the defective eye.
If you think one eye (left) is good then close this eye using some cloth tape and let the child use only the defective eye.
vishnu4 4 years ago
freeHomeo: More than two months gone by. Have you abandoned Shakash as usual?
Both you and anuj are in competition to see their names everywhere. Please take some time off and think what all damage you have done to sufferers.
Both you and anuj are in competition to see their names everywhere. Please take some time off and think what all damage you have done to sufferers.
vishnu4 4 years ago
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