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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

New findings on schizophrenia

“The Guardian” newspaper published a scientific
Study showing that there is a deficiency of
A molecule SV2A in the front brain of
Schizophrenic patients. They are finding this
Particular molecule is necessary for planning
And remembering.
  simone717 on 2020-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any further details on this.
Irshad1 5 years ago
I only read the article, did not furthur research it.
I put this post up because Western medicine has
Never understood the causes of this- usually classic
Schizophrenia starts to appear in late teens.
They now think that there is a scarcity of brain
Connections , with evidence that the molecule
Needed in front brain for planning and remembering
Is lacking.

I know a lot of homeopaths read this forum,
And this info, could start another way for homeopaths
To look at
Remedies to increase brain connections .
simone717 5 years ago

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