The ABC Homeopathy Forum
AH2015 on 2020-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What was her problem before prescribing Psorinum?
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
AH2015 5 years ago
AH2015 5 years ago
I couldn't stop myself laughing.
To stop cold and flu, Tuberculinum is applied
To stop the reaction of Tuber, Psorinum is applied.
To stop the reaction of Psorinum, Coffee is applied.
And how coffee may be antidote? I think he will apply another when coffee starts reacting.
Stop this.
Your child's body is a human body, not an engine.
* How did you give her Tuber? One should be confirmed 100% before using Tuber.
Tuberculosis should be present.
* How did you tell that lower potency does nothing? Lower potency and higher potency do not indicate strength. Potency covers symptoms. When maximum symptoms is similar to a remedy, and prescriber is confirmed, then he can apply and should apply Higher potency. Lower potency is best for all. It acts faster than higher potency.
To stop cold and flu, Tuberculinum is applied
To stop the reaction of Tuber, Psorinum is applied.
To stop the reaction of Psorinum, Coffee is applied.
And how coffee may be antidote? I think he will apply another when coffee starts reacting.
Stop this.
Your child's body is a human body, not an engine.
* How did you give her Tuber? One should be confirmed 100% before using Tuber.
Tuberculosis should be present.
* How did you tell that lower potency does nothing? Lower potency and higher potency do not indicate strength. Potency covers symptoms. When maximum symptoms is similar to a remedy, and prescriber is confirmed, then he can apply and should apply Higher potency. Lower potency is best for all. It acts faster than higher potency.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Wow, sorry, but you have totally misunderstood the case. Your first paragraph shocked me. That's not what I have written.
AH2015 5 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Oh my god! Tuberculosis patient should not be given tuberculin. Alright. I have wasted my time here. I will be deleting this post. Read the book by Paul Herscu.
[Edited by AH2015 on 2020-01-21 19:38:02]
[Edited by AH2015 on 2020-01-21 19:38:02]
AH2015 5 years ago
You are not right. Without confirmation, Tuberculinum should not be given. I think you are the prescriber. So over reacting for my post. Try to understand what i wanted to tell you. It is not a simple matter to apply Tuberculinum without Tuberculosis. And the patient is a child. Why to delete the post? If you are helped or not helped, another can learn by it.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Now I have become sure. You had prescribed by your own.
Please don't try higher potency of any medicines by your own. It may be very dangerous for you and your family members.
Please don't try higher potency of any medicines by your own. It may be very dangerous for you and your family members.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Now you may give Silicea accordingly.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Dear freehomeo,
I am writing because you are not translating
The posts from AH correctly.
AH Is being directed by her homeopath.
The fact that she wanted to get remedies in
Germany? It is a common problem learning
What you can get and where- when you go to
Other countries. In some Areas you cannot
Get anything at all- not allowed in stores or
Thru mail.
Her homeopath prescribed the psorinum
10m first - for chronic cough.
Then told her to use coffee and
Then use tuberculinum to antidote the effects
Of the psorinum proving effects on the no urge
For stool, painful stool.
AH - you could try the Silicea .
I am writing because you are not translating
The posts from AH correctly.
AH Is being directed by her homeopath.
The fact that she wanted to get remedies in
Germany? It is a common problem learning
What you can get and where- when you go to
Other countries. In some Areas you cannot
Get anything at all- not allowed in stores or
Thru mail.
Her homeopath prescribed the psorinum
10m first - for chronic cough.
Then told her to use coffee and
Then use tuberculinum to antidote the effects
Of the psorinum proving effects on the no urge
For stool, painful stool.
AH - you could try the Silicea .
♡ simone717 5 years ago
Thank you. My daughter is under the care of a retired homeopath (who is also my relative). I don't prescribe for her.
But I do read books on homeo and this time when I doubted psorinum aggravation....which my homeopath did not believe at first.. I researched and found the blog by Peter Morrell and after discussing the same we with my homeopath he agreed to implement the protocol mentioned therein. Simple as that.
I will not be commenting here again.
But I do read books on homeo and this time when I doubted psorinum aggravation....which my homeopath did not believe at first.. I researched and found the blog by Peter Morrell and after discussing the same we with my homeopath he agreed to implement the protocol mentioned therein. Simple as that.
I will not be commenting here again.
AH2015 5 years ago
I am sorry for that. Please don't be panicked. Please forget all.
However and whatever, you may try Silicea accordingly.
And before giving a remedy of higher potency, please be confirm. You may read before applying.
I am sorry for that. Please don't be panicked. Please forget all.
However and whatever, you may try Silicea accordingly.
And before giving a remedy of higher potency, please be confirm. You may read before applying.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hi AH2015, Which Antidote worked for you in this case that you were trying ? Did you try Silicea 30 as an Anti-dote and did it work ?
AH2015 saidThank you. My daughter is under the care of a retired homeopath (who is also my relative). I don't prescribe for her.
But I do read books on homeo and this time when I doubted psorinum aggravation....which my homeopath did not believe at first.. I researched and found the blog by Peter Morrell and after discussing the same we with my homeopath he agreed to implement the protocol mentioned therein. Simple as that.
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socal79 4 years ago
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