The ABC Homeopathy Forum
HiIf some person has had tooth filling or have been employed tooth caps then is it safe to give silicia.
As silicia tends to remove any foreign objects in the body so what will happen here.
If I give Biochemic form of silicia will it be safe. And what about its dilution will that also be safe.
Aristides on 2020-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Silica only tries to push the thing out if the object ( tooth fillings, implants, etc) has not been accepted as a part of the body.
I have been in practice since 2003, and many of my patients have/had teeth fillings and some of them with breast implants but I haven't got a single complaint that their implants got pushed out ! ( that would be horrible) by taking silica.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-05 06:31:39]
I have been in practice since 2003, and many of my patients have/had teeth fillings and some of them with breast implants but I haven't got a single complaint that their implants got pushed out ! ( that would be horrible) by taking silica.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-05 06:31:39]
♡ Tui 5 years ago
Just saw your answer.Thanks for the clarification. I thought I didn't receive the answer here on this post so I also asked it somewhere else on this forum and received the answer. I had already started giving Silica and its close to a week now and no problem with regards to tooth fillings!
Thanks again and thanks to everyone out here for helping the needy people here. Take care!
Thanks again and thanks to everyone out here for helping the needy people here. Take care!
Aristides 5 years ago
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