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Thyroidinum (Halal)


I would like to take Thyroidinum for my throid issue. Since this medicines are made from gland of sheep. I am not getting halal certified one. Some of you may find this question awkward but appreciate if someone can help me find halal Thyroidinum anywhere in India.
  farooque on 2020-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear farooque
You are muslim. For the lacking of Islamic knowledge, we become doubtful. For treatment, you may take any medicine if it is prescribed by doctor. Medicine is halal. Allhu Ta'Ala give us disease and with the remedy of the disease. We may fail to treat the patient for the lacking of knowledge. No disease comes without its remedy. So I think you should not keep doubt in mind.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-02-05 15:59:43]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago


Mind; mania, madness; religious

Mind; religious affections; mania
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
It is usual. Many of Muslims do not agree to take homeo medicine for alcohol. As alcohol is not accepted by Islam, they think that Homeo medicine is also not accepted. It's just a short knowledge of Islam.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Anuj. Your tone is not acceptable.

Please try to be respectful of other members
moderator 4 years ago
S0rry Simon.I know people must have lodged a protest,but word like HALAL should not be used in the forum,as it has religious far reaching implications.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
anuj srivastava said Sorry Simon.I know people must have lodged a protest,but word like HALAL should not be used in the forum,as it has religious far reaching implications.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Dear anuj
I am not sure what do you want to say by 'Religious far reaching implications'? How the word 'Halal' shouldn't be used in forum when the word is used by an user or patient. How it can influence? Halal means- acceptance. If he used the word 'Acceptance', then it could be fine to hear by you? I think we shouldn't give comment when we can not realise the meaning of the sentence. Or we may ask the meaning from the writer.
Being Religious Is Must. And If You Are A Homeo Doctor, You Must Be Religious. Though You Are Muslim, Though You Are Hindu, Budha or Others. But You Must Obey Your God And His Rules.
Who Has Gifted Us The Method Of Treatment, He Strongly Told Us To Be Religious.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
anuj srivastava said Sorry Simon.I know people must have lodged a protest,but word like HALAL should not be used in the forum,as it has religious far reaching implications.


To many, their religion has far reaching implications and should be respected.

Nobody is asking you to convert, just to live and let live.
moderator 4 years ago
Just wanted to give my inputs.


The Original Poster asked about a sarcode prepared from animal product. The query was not about alcohol. Homeopathic remedies have wider acceptance among masses including muslim community. Most religious bodies have favourable religious edicts on homeopathic medicines!


This is not a new thing. In the past I have seen a few queries where people had asked about Kosher compliant medicines. Some people even have asked for vegetarianism compliant medicines based on their beliefs. Kosher/Halal/No animal content--- certifications matter to a lot of faithful people though if spiritual teachings are understood in-depth they can minimise the anxiety.

There's a false/hate propaganda to demonise certain things associated with religion/culture(happens to any religion/culture) by hegemonic interests. It's upto individuals to fall for it or not.


Halal certifications have not penetrated homeopathic GMP Good Manufacturing Practices. It's likely that in countries like Pakistan/Malaysia---halal certified animal products are used in preparing new medicines(that have animal sources). However there is a catch, new medicines are rarely manufactured, most of the available medicinal stock comes from decades' old drafts or stock solutions of medicines---for example currently available Tuberculinum nosode was prepared from strains/raw material pre-dating 1950. Usually pharmacies procure stock potencies for example 29c to prepare 30c a very common potency.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-02-07 19:19:52]
maheeru 4 years ago
Dear maheeru
I have talked about alcohol. It was an example.
Okay. It seems irritable now.
No more
freehomeoforall 4 years ago

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