The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lost Sex Drive early 30s healthy male
HiI am 100Kg 32 years with no health issues. I got married 4 years ago and had baby 2 years ago. After that we have been using comdomns or no intercourse just play. Now we are planning for another baby, i was hard and suddenly it went lose and after that I have not been able to get my penis hard. It is always soft and small now even during intercourse and I have lost sex drive suddenly (no health or depression issues at all).
I tried watching porn as well and still I get ejaculation by maturbating but not getting hard.
can you please help me with this issue. I am not able to find similar situation in any of the forums. I used maturbate a lot when I was young but not anymore since I got married.
I was doing research only, should I take Reckeweg R 41P Sexual Neurasthenia Drops - 22 ML or any other medicines? I did buy Nux Vomica 200 liquid but not sure how to take it.
xceptional88 on 2020-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you still have a desire for sex but can't get hard or you have lost desire and don't want tot have sex anymore?
Which one is it?
And is this happened overnight? Just suddenly without any reasons?
You don't remember any stressful event at your workplace or at home?
How is your wife reacting to the situation? Is she supportive or very disappointed?
Which one is it?
And is this happened overnight? Just suddenly without any reasons?
You don't remember any stressful event at your workplace or at home?
How is your wife reacting to the situation? Is she supportive or very disappointed?
♡ Tui 5 years ago
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