The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I am an "Highly Sensitive Person", any remedies to cope wirh these innate problems..??
I am 27 years Man. Unmarried. Working as an employ in a supermarket.* I am extremely sensitive to criticism. (Even slightest criticism or rejection are unbearable for me)
* Processing everything(others comments, expressions, laughing etc.) deeply.. and analyze it as interconnected to manythings.
* Overstimulation from crowded places. And even cant maintain eyecontact with people. Mosttimes dont want to talk to anyone. No real friends.
* cant shutdown my mind.. my mind wandering always- Happy, Sad, and even neutral situation my mind is full of thoughts ...
So very difficult to fall asleep. (Usually i cant sleep til 1.30- 2 am. )
* Thoughts like "what others may think about me".
* cant think clearly. No mental clarity.
* No psychiatric drugs proven effective for me.. (Fluvoxamine, fluoxitine, clozapine, quitipine, fostera, solian, paxidep, prodep, ) Now taking clozapine 12.5 mg and Fostera 12.5 mg.
* No sense of wellbeing.
* Negative thinking.
nayeemcity on 2020-04-23
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