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Frequent urination in Infant Page 2 of 13
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yesterday night she was reluctant to take any food. Appetite is also very low. Today morning she feels very weak and feverish. Slowly fever rises to 100.8 deg now. No thirst but mouth dry. Sleeping all the time calm and quiet. Not taken even cerelac. Head too hot, palms and soles are colder. She has not passed any stool since last 48 hours. kindly advise for her stool and high fever.
lovely 4 years ago
Nux Vom 30 three to four times in gaps of 20 to 30 minutes.
Then start.
Gelsemium 30 three to four times a day.
Mag Phos 6x three times a day .
Feedback after 3 days.
Then start.
Gelsemium 30 three to four times a day.
Mag Phos 6x three times a day .
Feedback after 3 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
After three doses of Nux vom 30 one dose Gelsemium 30 is given. Temperature is now 102.8 deg. Face & head reddish. Crying continuously. No stool yet.Compelled to give one dose Calpol to reduce fever. Shall I continue Gelsemium and Mag phos.There is no cough or sneezing.
lovely 4 years ago
Do not bother too much these problems are very common in infants.And when down with fever biorhythms of all are adversely affected including the bowel movement.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
There was a small quantity hard stool at night. Temp at 11 pm was 100.5 deg. In this morning it is now 101.0 deg.No appetite. Shall I continue Gelsemium and Mag phos.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Bryonia 30, Rhustox 30 and Mag phos 6x are being used. She has passed stool thrice till this evening. Last one is very loose.Temperature is gradually reduced and now 97.5 deg. She is weak now But does not want to take any food.
I have given above medicines three times till now.
Waiting for your further advice.
I have given above medicines three times till now.
Waiting for your further advice.
lovely 4 years ago
In continuation to my last post-
She has again passed loose stool. It seems diarrhoea sets in. Now we have to control it.
She has again passed loose stool. It seems diarrhoea sets in. Now we have to control it.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
I have neither deleted any post nor I have given any laxative. It may be seen in my earlier post, I said I had given Calpol to reduce the fever.
However, how many dose of Nux vom 30 will be used.
However, how many dose of Nux vom 30 will be used.
lovely 4 years ago
In continuation to my last post---
Nux vom 30 one dose given yesterday night. loose motion still there. It is observed diaper rashes with fiery red colour are appeared. Do you think that her present suffering relates to urine infection.
kindly advice
Nux vom 30 one dose given yesterday night. loose motion still there. It is observed diaper rashes with fiery red colour are appeared. Do you think that her present suffering relates to urine infection.
kindly advice
lovely 4 years ago
Nux three to four times.
Start Sulphur 30 three times a day for the rashes.after the motions become normal.
Start Sulphur 30 three times a day for the rashes.after the motions become normal.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
My daughter was ok since my last post. She is using Calc phos 6X regularly. Since last three days, her previous symptoms are appeared viz constipation, loss of appetite, passing flatus, fever,sneezing etc. Nux vom 30,Mag phos 6X , Rhustox 30 and Bryonia 30 are used as before. She passed large quantity stool and fever subsided yesterday. But last night she started crying continuously, could not sleep at all, does not want to lie down. It seems she might have abdominal colic. Whole body is cold and sweaty, does not want to drink water or milk. Now I have given Nux vom 30 and Mag phos 6x but still crying. It is observed that any pressure on abdomen stops her crying. At night we use room ac for an hour just to normalise the room temperature. Are the use of ac any affect on the child.
kindly advice for her treatment.
kindly advice for her treatment.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
consulted with a pediatrician. It is diagnosed that she is suffering from pharyngitis. Prescribed calpol and antibiotics . After using Colocynth one dose and Mag phos 6x her crying is improved. But does not eat anything except drinking of milk. Can I use allopathy drug alongwith homeopathy medicines.
lovely 4 years ago
No issues.
Repeat Colo and MP three to four times.
For her throat give Hepar Sulph 30 three times a day and Kali Mur 6x three times.After her colic is controlled.
Repeat Colo and MP three to four times.
For her throat give Hepar Sulph 30 three times a day and Kali Mur 6x three times.After her colic is controlled.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
I used Hepar sulph and Kali mur as suggested by you.Her throat problem is healed. Appetite seems normal. Stool semi solid. Too much urination is still there. Would you please help me how to improve her sleep pattern.She sleeps 3-4 times in day time. At night she sleeps at about 3am.Gets up at 8am. After taking milk again sleeps for 3 hours. I tried to break the sleeping pattern but failed due to her continuous crying for sleep.
At present no medicine is in use.
At present no medicine is in use.
lovely 4 years ago
Give Calc Phos 6x and Ferrum Phos 6x two tabs three times a day of each medicine.
Give feedback after 7 days.
Give feedback after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Calc phos 6x and Ferrum phos 6x are used. No improvement in any of the symptoms. Frequent Urination with very offensive smell is still there. Stool is semi-solid, blackish and very foul smell. Pl advise me further.
lovely 4 years ago
Chamomilla 30 three times a day 2 drops one dose.
Calc Phos be continued.Stop FP.
Feedback after every 4 days.
Calc Phos be continued.Stop FP.
Feedback after every 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Feed back
Using Chamomilla and Calc Phos. Present status are :
1.appetite is reduced,dislike solid food even biscuits.
2.Frequency of urination and its offensive smell are not reduced.
3. Stool semi-solid, blackish and foul smell.
4. Very much irritated mind. Difficult to satisfy.Throws out everything, Biting tendency increased.
5.Sleeping pattern not improved, sleeps in late night.
Using Chamomilla and Calc Phos. Present status are :
1.appetite is reduced,dislike solid food even biscuits.
2.Frequency of urination and its offensive smell are not reduced.
3. Stool semi-solid, blackish and foul smell.
4. Very much irritated mind. Difficult to satisfy.Throws out everything, Biting tendency increased.
5.Sleeping pattern not improved, sleeps in late night.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Using Kreosote 30 and Cal Phos 6x. NO change in any of the symptoms. Rather she becomes stubborn day by day. If we do not give her the item whatever she wants, she cry so loudly and continuosly that her throat is effected and voice cracked.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
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