The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Any one Know sensation method or polarity analysis
Any one in this forums Know sensation methodI want to cure my illness through sensation method
[Edited by Mrutyunjay1 on 2020-05-10 12:17:29]
Mrutyunjay1 on 2020-05-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No one at this time is doing that method on
This forum. The method was tried online here
For some years- and never worked. Part of
The method is seeing someone in person
Or via video chat, because gestures, behavior
Need to be seen.
In my opinion, the method only works in books.
I have actually sent people to famous homeopaths
Of this method and what they prescribe / dosing
Etc is not according to what the books say and
People were overdosed.
I have also talked to homeopaths who are
Excellent homeopaths, and decided to try
This- they got no results.
This forum. The method was tried online here
For some years- and never worked. Part of
The method is seeing someone in person
Or via video chat, because gestures, behavior
Need to be seen.
In my opinion, the method only works in books.
I have actually sent people to famous homeopaths
Of this method and what they prescribe / dosing
Etc is not according to what the books say and
People were overdosed.
I have also talked to homeopaths who are
Excellent homeopaths, and decided to try
This- they got no results.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
Is polarity analysis is an effectively method ?
[Edited by Mrutyunjay1 on 2020-05-10 11:58:20]
[Edited by Mrutyunjay1 on 2020-05-10 11:58:20]
Mrutyunjay1 4 years ago
both methods mentioned are extensions from hahnemann's methology/beoninghausen,,,yet modified to the particula practitioner...when a practioner is in practise for much time..they develop a sense/a metholgy..(sometimes in line with proper homoeopathic guidlines/sometimes not) ..this sense is personal to the particular as they see sucess they sek to share as a method (seemingly seperate from the founder's methology) yet if watch carefully vids posted...u wil come to se that they use hahnemann..and prime student boeninghausen as guides to the methods they undertsnd these methods intheir true light one must know hahnemanns works (organon/chronic diseaeses/materia medica ) deeply..then light shines on the small details that wil help a practitioner of homoepathy...a sfor example ...polarity analysis taking in acount the opposite modality as contraindictaion to a remedy that has pro indictaion in better for movement ...worse fo r movemnet.....and merely subtraction grades....there is problem with this for over simplifies the idea that in the case in hand ..aggrvation which may be the lesser shown in provings may in fact be th ecorrect stil thorough materia medica study case by case is needed.....over all though boeninghausen methology as he hoimself practist totally based on hahemann's teachings at that again back to the source"organon of medicine" "chronic diseases" apolgy for too many words..yet seem su have interest in methology in general...starting with source foundation "organon" wil clear much
♡ John Stanton 4 years ago
Hi Simone,
You really got me curious with your post.
You say, sensation method was tried here online for some years, and never worked. Are you referring the brisbaneh*******-h(Da**d)? I have read some older topics and he seemed very precise in his questioning.
I ask that because I have undergone app. 6 years of homeopathic treatment, with 4 different homepaths. In theory all of them were well trained and experienced (10-20 years experience). My longest treatment was 3 years, my shortest was 4 months.
In the long term I did not have very good result. It seems to me that my initial complains were worsening and deepening through the years.
In theory all these homeopaths were "classical homeopaths", but 3 of them also applied some "new methods", like Scholten, or prescription based on psychological themes, based on "destiny themes", family history etc. Two of them never used repertory for their prescriptions.
Only one of them did not use any "modern" methods, but practised based on the 4th Edition of Organon. She only used dry doses, and consultations were 20-30 minutes long. Even the first interview did not last longer than half an hour.
I studied for a few years in the only homeopathy school available in my country for non-medical professionals, but I never finished.
What bothers me is that I have never met people who were in really good health, even though they had been in homeopathic treatment for many years.
I even met patients of our most famous non-medical homeopath in my country, and all of them had the same chronic problems despite their treatment. Some of them had been in his treatment for years. I also was in his treatment for 1.5 years, with no result. Actually by most of his prescriptions I was aggraviated for several weeks, which always went by, when I was advised to have 2 weeks pause without any remedy.
I have even talked to some homeopaths, who were practising for at least 10 years, and they all had chronic problems.
So I do not understand, where are all those extremely successful cases presented in the school, etc.? Where are the people with stronger constitution due to the homeopathic treatment?
Sorry for my rant, I am confused.
Is the situation similar in other european countries as well?
You really got me curious with your post.
You say, sensation method was tried here online for some years, and never worked. Are you referring the brisbaneh*******-h(Da**d)? I have read some older topics and he seemed very precise in his questioning.
I ask that because I have undergone app. 6 years of homeopathic treatment, with 4 different homepaths. In theory all of them were well trained and experienced (10-20 years experience). My longest treatment was 3 years, my shortest was 4 months.
In the long term I did not have very good result. It seems to me that my initial complains were worsening and deepening through the years.
In theory all these homeopaths were "classical homeopaths", but 3 of them also applied some "new methods", like Scholten, or prescription based on psychological themes, based on "destiny themes", family history etc. Two of them never used repertory for their prescriptions.
Only one of them did not use any "modern" methods, but practised based on the 4th Edition of Organon. She only used dry doses, and consultations were 20-30 minutes long. Even the first interview did not last longer than half an hour.
I studied for a few years in the only homeopathy school available in my country for non-medical professionals, but I never finished.
What bothers me is that I have never met people who were in really good health, even though they had been in homeopathic treatment for many years.
I even met patients of our most famous non-medical homeopath in my country, and all of them had the same chronic problems despite their treatment. Some of them had been in his treatment for years. I also was in his treatment for 1.5 years, with no result. Actually by most of his prescriptions I was aggraviated for several weeks, which always went by, when I was advised to have 2 weeks pause without any remedy.
I have even talked to some homeopaths, who were practising for at least 10 years, and they all had chronic problems.
So I do not understand, where are all those extremely successful cases presented in the school, etc.? Where are the people with stronger constitution due to the homeopathic treatment?
Sorry for my rant, I am confused.
Is the situation similar in other european countries as well?
simone717 saidNo one at this time is doing that method on
This forum. The method was tried online here
For some years- and never worked. Part of
The method is seeing someone in person
Or via video chat, because gestures, behavior
Need to be seen.
In my opinion, the method only works in books.
I have actually sent people to famous homeopaths
Of this method and what they prescribe / dosing
Etc is not according to what the books say and
People were overdosed.
I have also talked to homeopaths who are
Excellent homeopaths, and decided to try
This- they got no results.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
♡ lajhar 4 years ago
Yes, I understand your complaint. I think success
Comes from having a skilled prescriber.How are
You going to know if the homeopath is really good
Unless you see real reviews of other patients or
Talk to them?
I always google “homeopathic cured cases of..”
And see what I find.Homeopathy works if the remedy is a close enough match- because the body will not allow the match.
The body will raise life force to clear the remedy
And then start clearing the real problem. So then
You need the right potency, dosing schedule
Etc. I like Dr luc de schepper( now retired) have
His books, he still has basic things online- but
He always likes to do a test dose 30c and then wait to see what happens after a day. If nothing try it again, if aggravation or improvement,
Wait until those things are over before another dose-
If nothing happens then try 200c and go thru same process.
In chronic cases like yourself, perhaps there is
What they call a block to the cure that has
To be uncovered. Maybe there is a genetic issue,
Or hidden allergy, vaccine damage, or living in
An abusive situation which never resolves.
As far as Sankaran, yes I read all the posts
By Brisbane- does not matter about precise
Questions as he was following whether they
Were a plant, animal or mineral first? Which
Is an arbitrary add on and one that led to using
Many new , unproved or poorly proved remedies
- people always wanted to vent and then find
They were a dolphin, or exotic bird etc-
And finally after a number of these were tried,
He went back to normal prescribing and
What cured was Nat Mur or another mainline remedy.
I studied the Sankaran method, had tons of books
And seminars , along with scholten. scholten remedies
For most part are all theory- no provings.I was lucky enough to find a good homeopath who cured me of terrible allergies. I had well meaning
But unsuccessful treatment with others before I found this person.
He also worked with various other homeopaths
For a year trying the Sankaran method and
It did not work for any of them.
I think you need to find someone using a classical approach and the 6th edition.
I used to be frustrated reading all these wildly
Successful cases in homeopathy international etc
And then as I knew more, realized many of
The remedies had no proper proving- they
We’re done thru meditation or whatnot. A lot of
People trying to make money thru books and
“New” methodology.
What is good about this site, is you can see the
Truth in real time about cases. We have several
People on here that I trust will be very good
At treatment of complicated cases. Maheeru
And Dr. Jitesh Sharma. We used to have
Dr Showrav in Dhaka, until he got too busy.
He cured a young girl of Lyme disease( USA)
And he had never even heard of Lyme disease(
Used several matching remedies off and on)
Vs. going to a USA classical homeopath that
Just wanted to try the one constitutional remedy
Which did nothing and they gave up the case
As not curable.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-06-05 20:20:16]
Comes from having a skilled prescriber.How are
You going to know if the homeopath is really good
Unless you see real reviews of other patients or
Talk to them?
I always google “homeopathic cured cases of..”
And see what I find.Homeopathy works if the remedy is a close enough match- because the body will not allow the match.
The body will raise life force to clear the remedy
And then start clearing the real problem. So then
You need the right potency, dosing schedule
Etc. I like Dr luc de schepper( now retired) have
His books, he still has basic things online- but
He always likes to do a test dose 30c and then wait to see what happens after a day. If nothing try it again, if aggravation or improvement,
Wait until those things are over before another dose-
If nothing happens then try 200c and go thru same process.
In chronic cases like yourself, perhaps there is
What they call a block to the cure that has
To be uncovered. Maybe there is a genetic issue,
Or hidden allergy, vaccine damage, or living in
An abusive situation which never resolves.
As far as Sankaran, yes I read all the posts
By Brisbane- does not matter about precise
Questions as he was following whether they
Were a plant, animal or mineral first? Which
Is an arbitrary add on and one that led to using
Many new , unproved or poorly proved remedies
- people always wanted to vent and then find
They were a dolphin, or exotic bird etc-
And finally after a number of these were tried,
He went back to normal prescribing and
What cured was Nat Mur or another mainline remedy.
I studied the Sankaran method, had tons of books
And seminars , along with scholten. scholten remedies
For most part are all theory- no provings.I was lucky enough to find a good homeopath who cured me of terrible allergies. I had well meaning
But unsuccessful treatment with others before I found this person.
He also worked with various other homeopaths
For a year trying the Sankaran method and
It did not work for any of them.
I think you need to find someone using a classical approach and the 6th edition.
I used to be frustrated reading all these wildly
Successful cases in homeopathy international etc
And then as I knew more, realized many of
The remedies had no proper proving- they
We’re done thru meditation or whatnot. A lot of
People trying to make money thru books and
“New” methodology.
What is good about this site, is you can see the
Truth in real time about cases. We have several
People on here that I trust will be very good
At treatment of complicated cases. Maheeru
And Dr. Jitesh Sharma. We used to have
Dr Showrav in Dhaka, until he got too busy.
He cured a young girl of Lyme disease( USA)
And he had never even heard of Lyme disease(
Used several matching remedies off and on)
Vs. going to a USA classical homeopath that
Just wanted to try the one constitutional remedy
Which did nothing and they gave up the case
As not curable.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-06-05 20:20:16]
♡ simone717 4 years ago
hi Simone,
Thank you for your answer!
Yes, it might be a good idea to google "cured cases" of X homeopath, but unfortunately in my country the majority of homeopaths do not publish cured cases on the internet.
Our most famous homeopath almost always presents sort of "miraculous cures" in his books, videos, seminars, etc. Like the ones you can read on :-)
So, I am already a bit skeptical with all these "cured cases" presented by famous or not so famous homeopaths.
I mean, even if somebody is very talented, very educated, I cannot imagine that they never have cases where more complex treatment (more remedies that 1-3) is needed, or God forbid, they fail.
And actually, in school I would have liked to hear the analysis of failed treatments as well, like what could have been done differently.
I know Luc de Schepper's homepage, he seems to be very knowledgeable.
Yes, I also have some of Sankaran and Scholten books. Actually, I am not sure if I understand the prescriptions based on the sensation method, I think I could never practice it.
You are right, unfortunately a lot of new remedies are not proved classically. These "meditation" and "dream" provings, I do not think produce reliable data.
Actually, in my opinion nor do the provings based on the method of Jeremy Sherr.
I have participated in such a proving.
The supervisors did not take the remedy, but their symptoms were also counted. It did not matter if the supervisor was taking another homeopathic remedy during the proving.
We had proving meetings monthly. During the meetings we had to "work" in small teams, and tell our symptoms to each other. Sometimes people were convincing each other, like "do not say you did not have this symptom. think about it!". And then the answer was "well, now that I am thinking about it, yes, I also have experienced this".
At the end of the proving everybody (including the supervisors) had to answer suggestive questions, like "how did this proving change you?". And off course, a lot of people answered like "I can feel that this has changed in me". Or "I feel my life has changed forever", which in my opinion can only be said retrospectively, but I guess it sounds very catchy when the proving is published.
Thank you for the suggestions of homeopaths!
I guess I will visit thos forum kore frequently in the future.
Thank you for your answer!
Yes, it might be a good idea to google "cured cases" of X homeopath, but unfortunately in my country the majority of homeopaths do not publish cured cases on the internet.
Our most famous homeopath almost always presents sort of "miraculous cures" in his books, videos, seminars, etc. Like the ones you can read on :-)
So, I am already a bit skeptical with all these "cured cases" presented by famous or not so famous homeopaths.
I mean, even if somebody is very talented, very educated, I cannot imagine that they never have cases where more complex treatment (more remedies that 1-3) is needed, or God forbid, they fail.
And actually, in school I would have liked to hear the analysis of failed treatments as well, like what could have been done differently.
I know Luc de Schepper's homepage, he seems to be very knowledgeable.
Yes, I also have some of Sankaran and Scholten books. Actually, I am not sure if I understand the prescriptions based on the sensation method, I think I could never practice it.
You are right, unfortunately a lot of new remedies are not proved classically. These "meditation" and "dream" provings, I do not think produce reliable data.
Actually, in my opinion nor do the provings based on the method of Jeremy Sherr.
I have participated in such a proving.
The supervisors did not take the remedy, but their symptoms were also counted. It did not matter if the supervisor was taking another homeopathic remedy during the proving.
We had proving meetings monthly. During the meetings we had to "work" in small teams, and tell our symptoms to each other. Sometimes people were convincing each other, like "do not say you did not have this symptom. think about it!". And then the answer was "well, now that I am thinking about it, yes, I also have experienced this".
At the end of the proving everybody (including the supervisors) had to answer suggestive questions, like "how did this proving change you?". And off course, a lot of people answered like "I can feel that this has changed in me". Or "I feel my life has changed forever", which in my opinion can only be said retrospectively, but I guess it sounds very catchy when the proving is published.
Thank you for the suggestions of homeopaths!
I guess I will visit thos forum kore frequently in the future.
♡ lajhar 4 years ago
Just to be clear- I did not mean “cured cases
Of certain homeopaths”
I meant - “Homeopathic cured cases of
.... depression, ptsd, eczema, high bp..”
And whatever conditions I am interested in.
I end up reading cases of old masters,
Homeopaths who operate like a McDonalds
Franchise, etc. I learn a lot that way .
Just to be clear- I did not mean “cured cases
Of certain homeopaths”
I meant - “Homeopathic cured cases of
.... depression, ptsd, eczema, high bp..”
And whatever conditions I am interested in.
I end up reading cases of old masters,
Homeopaths who operate like a McDonalds
Franchise, etc. I learn a lot that way .
♡ simone717 4 years ago
OK, thank you for the clarification! I will try that.
One more question if I may.
In our school we were taught that if the homeopathic treatment is unsuccessful, then it is because the problem is due to "karma", or the patient does not want to heal. In the case of the latter, they did not refer to patient compliance, they meant some kind of subconscious resistance to healing.
Having read different descriptions of the syphilitic miasm, it seems to me that self-destructiveness, self-sabotage and the delusion that somebody is incurable belongs to the syphilitic miasm.
So I never understood, in such cases would not be worth to think about anti-syphilitic remedies? Or investigating if there is some kind of "obstacle to cure"?
One more question if I may.
In our school we were taught that if the homeopathic treatment is unsuccessful, then it is because the problem is due to "karma", or the patient does not want to heal. In the case of the latter, they did not refer to patient compliance, they meant some kind of subconscious resistance to healing.
Having read different descriptions of the syphilitic miasm, it seems to me that self-destructiveness, self-sabotage and the delusion that somebody is incurable belongs to the syphilitic miasm.
So I never understood, in such cases would not be worth to think about anti-syphilitic remedies? Or investigating if there is some kind of "obstacle to cure"?
♡ lajhar 4 years ago
I would always investigate blocks to cure,
And looking at “never well since” as the start
To a case. I have read cases that were not
Getting better and then the patient remembers
An accident or head injury from childhood and
Addressing that event cured them.
I don’t believe in dismissing a case due to karma
Or subconscious resistance. I have known
People with seemingly stubborn cases, who when
They got the correct remedy transform into a healthy
Person-and all of them can hardly remember
Their previous way of thinking/feeling- as if it was
A bad dream.
Yes, looking at miasmatic remedies can be
Helpful- however, I know some homeopaths
Who think treating miasms in layers is the
Answer- they are going thru that treatment themselves
And years later they are still waiting to cure.
I would always investigate blocks to cure,
And looking at “never well since” as the start
To a case. I have read cases that were not
Getting better and then the patient remembers
An accident or head injury from childhood and
Addressing that event cured them.
I don’t believe in dismissing a case due to karma
Or subconscious resistance. I have known
People with seemingly stubborn cases, who when
They got the correct remedy transform into a healthy
Person-and all of them can hardly remember
Their previous way of thinking/feeling- as if it was
A bad dream.
Yes, looking at miasmatic remedies can be
Helpful- however, I know some homeopaths
Who think treating miasms in layers is the
Answer- they are going thru that treatment themselves
And years later they are still waiting to cure.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
"I have known
People with seemingly stubborn cases, who when
They got the correct remedy transform into a healthy
Person-and all of them can hardly remember
Their previous way of thinking/feeling- as if it was
A bad dream. " - Wow, that is really impressive!
And what about the debate about polychrests-small remedies?
I mean there are homeopaths, who claim that only "deep acting" polychrests and sometimes classical miasmatic nosodes are capable to induce healing of chronic issues.
While there are homeopaths, who say, that polychrests are overrepresented in the repertories, and sometimes smaller remedies as well might act as a "constitutional remedy".
"I have known
People with seemingly stubborn cases, who when
They got the correct remedy transform into a healthy
Person-and all of them can hardly remember
Their previous way of thinking/feeling- as if it was
A bad dream. " - Wow, that is really impressive!
And what about the debate about polychrests-small remedies?
I mean there are homeopaths, who claim that only "deep acting" polychrests and sometimes classical miasmatic nosodes are capable to induce healing of chronic issues.
While there are homeopaths, who say, that polychrests are overrepresented in the repertories, and sometimes smaller remedies as well might act as a "constitutional remedy".
♡ lajhar 4 years ago
I don’t pay much attention to these debates
And to “constitutional” remedies. Your “constitution” will
Change over time. If you think about it, we are complex
Beings and people get the wrong idea identifying with
A plant or mineral as if it represents them, like
An astrological sign. I believe in using the remedies
As a match for symptoms of out of balance states.
Sometimes one has to go thru layers of remedies
Depending on what is going on.
I do like Robin Murphy’s ( naturopath, famous
Homeopath and teacher) approach- he just starts
With what is presenting and then lets the layers
Unfold , treating whatever shows up next. Then you
Have someone like Dr Andrew Saine( head of Canada homeopaths)
Who teaches on how to take a case. He spends
2 to three hours with the first interview and
He is known for curing incurable cases( which
Are documented and you can read) But again,
He is matching symptoms.
It’s enough for me to just study the materia medica
And get the case taken right- because that works.
I don’t pay much attention to these debates
And to “constitutional” remedies. Your “constitution” will
Change over time. If you think about it, we are complex
Beings and people get the wrong idea identifying with
A plant or mineral as if it represents them, like
An astrological sign. I believe in using the remedies
As a match for symptoms of out of balance states.
Sometimes one has to go thru layers of remedies
Depending on what is going on.
I do like Robin Murphy’s ( naturopath, famous
Homeopath and teacher) approach- he just starts
With what is presenting and then lets the layers
Unfold , treating whatever shows up next. Then you
Have someone like Dr Andrew Saine( head of Canada homeopaths)
Who teaches on how to take a case. He spends
2 to three hours with the first interview and
He is known for curing incurable cases( which
Are documented and you can read) But again,
He is matching symptoms.
It’s enough for me to just study the materia medica
And get the case taken right- because that works.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
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