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Irritating phlegm cough

I am 36yrs mother of 4 children. I gave birth to the fourth, a month ago. During the last month of pregnancy, I had developed dry cough. Now after giving birth it is coupled with mucous. The cough occurs at any time after I talk too much or drink anything citricy or aerated drinks or eat anything cold. This cough is irritating me!Even if This phlegm is out I would still feel the urge to cough. My feet and hands are normal temperature. During this pregnancy I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and have been consuming 0.25mg of Levothyroxine sodium. I am a nursing mother so kindly advise medicine for this cough ,which is easy on the baby as well
[Edited by LeenaK1 on 2020-05-11 20:03:59]
  LeenaK1 on 2020-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take
1. Pulsetilla-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 4 years ago
Thankyou for suggesting. I have a few questions Is there any protocol I should be following while taking this medicine? How long shall I take it before or after food? If Pulsetilla-200 pills are not available instead its available in solution, is it supposed to be taken in any specific water like spring water and what would be the dosage then? I have heard about certain practices to be done while taking homeopathic medicine then only it works.

Any beverages like tea or coffee to avoid while using this medication? Any other specific care I should be taking like not using perfume or going near any area where insecticide is sprayed.
LeenaK1 4 years ago
1. You can take medicine before or after one hour of any intake.
2, if you get liquid, 3 drops in 2 teaspoon water becomes one dose (instead of 6 pills)
3. you can take tea or coffee as usual.
4. You can use perfume.

homeo helper
homeo_helper 4 years ago

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