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itch under a cast

Any suggestions for a remedy that will help with the itch that drives people nuts after they've been wearing a cast for a several weeks?
  marykundert on 2004-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what part of body 'casted'?

how long the cast been on so far?

how consistant is 'itching'?

how has sleep been affected?
John Stanton last decade
the part of body casted is the lower right leg...due to multiple fractures to both leg bones, at ankle. Lengthy surgery to place plates and pins went well...4 weeks ago.

A new cast (the 2nd) was just placed 7 days ago.

Itching is fairly consistent, and is keeping the patient up at night. Not sleeping well.

Thanks for looking at this!
marykundert last decade
was there any itching involved with first cast?

what was cause of fracture?

what is patient's current mood/emotional state?please explain
John Stanton last decade
He didn't complain of itchy before. I suspect it could have something to do with the decrease in swelling/inflammation...which is probably why the cast was changed. There was a lot of swelling following the surgery.

The cause of the fracture was a hang-gliding accident...poor landing. Only the leg was injured. No loss of consciousness or other bruising. Apparently, the leg took the full brunt.

He's in pretty good spirits. Up and about, continuing a home remodel. However, given the high adventure nature of this person, I suspect there's got to be some underlying angst...wondering about the future. He's expressed concern over feeling "exposed" once the cast comes off...there's alot of pain when he puts any weight on this leg.
marykundert last decade
please explain-- what is meant by "exposed"?

what medication(s) use/used?
John Stanton last decade
I'm not sure what he means by "exposed." He's mentioned that the cast provides added "protection." There must still be quite a bit of pain.

Also, he's 44.5 years old. Very fit. 6' tall. 165+ lbs. Vegetarian. Electrical Engineer.

However, it's the itching that's keeping him up at night, not pain. He's been off all pain meds (Vicodin was the only one) completely for 2+ weeks.

I didn't see him until 2 weeks post-surgery. I gave him arnica 30c at that time.

No other meds have been used...except general anaesthia during surgery.

Thanks again for looking at this!
marykundert last decade
is the sensation of 'itch' internal and /or external?
John Stanton last decade
That's a good question. I'll have to ask the patient, and get back to you later.

Any other questions I should ask while I'm at it?
marykundert last decade
if 'itch' is associated to injured area or elsewhere?

ask--what is meant by exposed?

what are his main concerns at this current time?
John Stanton last decade
thanks. i'll be back.
marykundert last decade
does he feel as though relief of 'itch' can be gained if cast where removed?
John Stanton last decade
Feel free to add more questions. I'll check back periodically.
marykundert last decade
how much coffee used?

use tobacco?
use alcohol?
John Stanton last decade
until answer rest of questions--start treatment

2 doses arnica 12c daily no more than three days--if definite aggravation or amelioration then stop usage.

if no 12c --then 1 dose "only" arnica 200c

avoid all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coffee;tea;alcoholic beverages ;fruit and juices;vinegar;coca-cola,pepsi and the like;...etc

no other medicines/remedies

post response or lack of response to arnica
John Stanton last decade

No responses to questions yet, but I thought of something over night:

What about Rescue Remedy? Would that complicate the results?

I agree with the suggestion of Arnica.

marykundert last decade
i think not that flower essence "rescue remedy " apply here.

start arnica and post answers .

then decide next step..
John Stanton last decade

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