The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pain in arms , acute constipation in my dad 80 years staying alone***very urgent**
Hello Dr,My dad , he is 80 years old is suffering from pain in his arms, acute constipation post covid 19. He stays alone and gets depressed feelings. He doesn't pass stool everyday and since few days passes only few lumps of stool and black watery stools. He gets pain in his stomach, arms and both legs. Please can you suggest some urgent remedy as I stay in Canada and he is all by himself.
Thank you
venus0743 on 2020-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
YALO TABLETS 2 EVERY NIGHT.In addition Ferrum Phos 6x and Kali Phos 6x 5 tabs of each three times a day.
Procure Mag Phos 6x also for use subsequently.
Procure Mag Phos 6x also for use subsequently.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
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