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Kidney Prostate problem

I am attaching report of my father , he has been complaining of kidney pain and urge of passing urine but not able to pass. Kindly suggest best safe medicines according to the tests attached. Thanks in advance.
[Edited by LeenaK1 on 2020-05-29 17:08:17]
  LeenaK1 on 2020-05-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Need to see the reports

Dr.jitesh sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
Hi Leena,
Reports are not showing up.

If you cannot get them to post here,
Email them to dr jitesh and include the title of your thread.
Jiteshsharma2017At gmail dot com
simone717 4 years ago
Send at drjiteshsharma at live.com
drjitesh 4 years ago
Kindly check your email sir.
Title kidney Prostate problem
LeenaK1 4 years ago
Name:Abdul Salam
Normal size,shape&texture.
Corticomedullary differentiation is intact.
Occasional concretions present.
No stone in the pelvi-ureteric junction identified.
No hydronephrosis noted.
BPL=9.9X 4.8 CMS
Normal size,shape&texture.
Corticomedullary differentiation is intact.
No stone in the pelvi-ureteric junction.
Occasional concretions are present.
No hydronephrosis noted.
Small Renal Cortical Cyst at the upper pole(14 x 14 mm)noted.
BPL=10.9X 4.8 CMS
Urinary Bladder is adequately filled no calculus,sludge or growth was
Pre-Void Urine=150 cc
Post-Void Urine=15 cc

Prostate is enlarged in size(wt.=40 gms.).It is normal in shape and
echotexture with intact capsule.
Enlarged Prostate(40 gms)No significant post-void urine.
Bilateral renal concretions(Occasional)
Small Renl Cortical Cyst Lt.Kidney(14x14 mm)
[Edited by LeenaK1 on 2020-05-29 21:07:23]
LeenaK1 4 years ago
I have emailed you sir. Kindly check the email from Shahida
LeenaK1 4 years ago
I saw the email
now I need more details

fillthis form

K/C/O : [Duration is important. e.g.  HTN since 2 yrs. etc.]
B. Investigations :
Date :  Haemogram / Blood Report/ Urine Report/ CT scan/ MRI/USG Abdomen & Pelvis/ Thyroid       Function Test, etc.
C. Chief C/O: Write the complaints with sides & duration.
Give them separate nos. [e.g. 1] Abdominal pain(Rt. side)Since 8 days. Etc.
Please start with History of C/C : How complaints started?
H/o C/C : Write every complaint individually with-
·         Onset, decline, causation.
·         Side.
·         Location & Extension
·         Character of Pain.
·         Duration of Pain.
·         Sensation.
·         Modalities : Movements/ Positions/ Thermals/ Food Habits/ Seasonal/
¾     Concomitant.
Complain 1




D. Ask for any recurrent complaint. Ex. Fever, Cold, Coryza.
E. Past H/o : Any major illness (along with side if present) e.g. H/o Typhoid/ Malaria / Jaundice/
Fracture/ Fall/ Injury/ Accident.
And  H/o Vaccination – Hepatitis B / Dog bite Vaccination, etc.
Blood Group :
F. Family H/o
G. Physical Generals :
·         Habit : Alcohol / Drugs/ Smoking/ Tobacco, etc. (Since how many tears?)
·         Diet : Veg./ Mixed.
·         Appetite : Any alteration?
            Whether patient can tolerate hunger?
·         Desire : With reference to taste and not any particular food item. e.g. Sweet, Pungent, Spicy,
Sour, Fatty(Oily, ghee), Non- veg, milk, milk products, tea, coffee, Vegetables, Fruits, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks etc. is important. Also ask for any desire for indigestible food items.
·         Aversion : Main taste e.g. Sweet, Sour, Fatty, Non-veg etc. is also important.
·         Food :
·         Head :
·         Eyes :
·         Ears :
·         Nose :
·         Mouth :  any odour
·         Tongue : Dry/Moist/ Coating/ Cracked/ Fissured/ Imprints of teeth
·         Thirst  : Thirsty/ S.Q.S.I./L.Q.S.I./Thirstless.
·         Teeth : Carries of  teeth.
·         Gums : Bleeding Gums.
·         Taste : Any particular taste in mouth
·         Throat :
·         Chest :
·         Stomach/ Abdomen :
·         Bowel : Character of stool is important. Dry/ Hard/ Soft/ Loose. Color, Smell, Straining or not?  Etc.
·         Bladder:
·         Skin :
·         Chest & Back :
·         Extremities:
o   Upper Extremities:
o   Lower  Extremities :
·         Perspiration :
o   Scanty/ Profuse. On which part of the body?
o   Stain /Odour.
o   Hot/ Cold sweating.
·         Sleep :
o   Time : Daytime any sleeping habit / Night time sleep hrs.
o   Sound/ Natural
o   Refreshing/ Unrefreshing
o   Startles/ Snoring
o   Position : Whether lies on back / sides-which side ?
o   Covering
o   Bed+ Pillow
o   Talking/ Walking sleep during?
o   Eyes open / closed sleep during.
·         Dreams :
·         Female:
o   Menstrual History
i.                     Menarche
ii.                   Duration of cycle
iii.                  Color of discharge/ Any clots, etc.
iv.                 Smell
v.                   Any pain Before / During etc.
·  In General Discharges : Color/ Smell/ Quantity –scanty/ profuse etc. (very important)
H. Mind :
·                     Education :
·                     Occupation : (Working / Retired)
·                     Childhood at which place? –City/ Town
·                     Marital Status : Married / Unmarried
·                     Childhood :
o Family : Joint / Separate
o Financial Condition : Sound/ Poor/ Rich etc.
o About Study:
o Nature : Obstinate/ Mild/ Pampered/ Short Tempered/ Irritable.
o Desires Company or Not?
o Close to?
o Fear of/ Stage courage
o Playful/ Studious.
o Any impactful/ disturbing incidence in childhood.
o Angry when? How is it expressed ?
o Timid / Daring.
o Ambition.
·         After Marriage.
(Suppression injustice and relation with inlaws, Adjustment)
·   NOW :
o   Specially ask about main feelings : Anger, Sadness, Hypocrisy, Jealousy, etc. (Please, write in Rubric form)
o   Family: Joint / Separate
o   Financial Condition : Sound / Poor/ Rich etc.
o   Mild/ Short Tempered
o   Angry when ? How is it expressed?
o   Talkative/ Less talkative.
o   Jolly- Jesting/ Submissive
o   Affectionate / Reserved/ Censorious.
o   Reaction to Jesting
o   Reaction to Criticism.
o   Reaction to Reprimand
o   Reaction to Mortification
o   Any major conflicts
o   Sympathy about ?
o   Helping nature?
o   Desires Company?
o   About Cleanliness.
o   About Time Punctuality.
o   About Religiousness.
o   Reaction to Lie & Injustice.
o   Fears ? (Being alone, Dark, Water, Height, Quarrel, Exam, Robbers, Animals, Downward  Motion)
o   Sensitive (Physically & Emotionally)
o   Happy When?
o   Sad when?
o   Weeps when?
o   Consolation.
o   Hobbies?
o   About Social Activities.
o   Lazy/ Workaholic.
o   Industrious ?
o   Duty Bound?
o   Relation with others :
¾     Husband/ Wife
¾     Son / Daughter.
¾     In-laws.
¾     Friends.
¾     Colleagues, etc.
·         A/F :
o   Anxiety about what ?
           Loan, Court case, Money, Future, Health, Disease, Death, Job, Settlement, Children.
o   Any Anticipatory Anxiety
o   Death of Relatives :
               Reaction : Grief, Sad, Forsaken, Helpless, Weeping.
o   Any Insecurity
o   Perfectionism.
o   Fall/ Accident/ Injury/ Fracture/ Sprain/ Loss of fluid.
o   Overexertion.
o   Brooding.
o   Suppression of anger.
o   Any major setback in life.
Your Observation(Physical Appearance/Dressing).
Thermals :
                                    Summer                                          Winter
Bathing                        Hot / Cold /  Luke Warm              Hot / Cold /  Luke Warm
Fanning                       requires or not?                                             requires or not?
Covering                     Thick / Thin? (1 or 2,etc)                Thick / Thin? (1 or 2,etc)
·         Open air : desires or not
·         Require Sweater in Winter ?
·         Chills begin from which part?
drjitesh 4 years ago

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