The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Child's night bedwetting
Hi, my 5 year old son is wetting his bed practically every night. We do take him to the toilet at around 11pm. He has plenty of arguments why he does not go to the toilet at night (he said: it was too dark, so we put a night light, there was no potty in the room, so we put one, there was no pants for change, so he has a spare pair next to his bed). We told him he should wake up one uf us if he wants a pee, but he always says he forgets.He is very sensitive child, but seems to be more shy at home then at school, where apparently other children look up to him first. Sometimes he rocks in bed at night and from time to time wakes up with a really bad dream and then just screams uncontrollably as if he does not recognize us when we try to comfort him.
Can you give any suggestions about the remedy?
Thank you
coase on 2006-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ drsajid last decade
Agree with equisetum , but if it does not work you may get help from the miasmatic system.
walkin last decade
without any more info--would be better off single dose belladonna 200c---so as to cover bad dreams and tossing about in bed--sceams and such...but still depends on if started after vacccnations or injury--or possible dietary indiscretions..or if treatment of some skin condition in past health history--as well as what skin condition is like at this time..rashes;warts;any sort of growths...etc.
♡ John Stanton last decade
i will say that equisetum does have nightmares when passing the urine.during sleep..but not the screaming and tossing about
i will say that equisetum does have nightmares when passing the urine.during sleep..but not the screaming and tossing about
♡ John Stanton last decade
Thanks for the replies. Sorry, but my internet was down, so could not reply earlier. Yes, John I actually though about mentioning the skin rashes after I posted the info. At the moment he has some on the left upper eyelid. Previously he had some under his left arm (in the armpit). In the arm pit it was more raw, on the eyelid is dry. Now, the orthodox medicines only aggrevated the problem, so I did not used them again. I have 2 creams from the Chinese doctor. I mix them together that seems to help it for some time. He only had one shot of menongitis and one shot of polio. Nothing else. The rocking has been going on for quite a long time. He is a very pale skin child, does not like noise. If you need any more info, please let me know and thank you all for the replies
coase last decade
Just some more info: there was no definite onset, I think. No injury for sure. He is alergic to dairy products and eggs
coase last decade
when (DATE)exactly skin conditin first observed?when first treated (date)?when did the skin condition relocate (date)?how many times relocated?where exact locations?
when (date) excatly vaccine given?
when exactly bed wetting first observed?at what age potty trained? at what age diapers permanently stoppe usage?
when (date) excatly vaccine given?
when exactly bed wetting first observed?at what age potty trained? at what age diapers permanently stoppe usage?
♡ John Stanton last decade
Ufff, I will try to give exact answers. Also, I think it is worth mentionong, that we travel quite a lot, so it is hard to apply routine sometimes. My husband is from NZ and I am from Poland and we live in London. We spend 6 months (from March till September) in Poland and went to NZ for 4 weeks in December.
And: he is one of the twins. The other one is a girl with a very different constitution and character. They were born in December 2000. One shot of meng was given in May 2001 and two weeks later polio. He stopped wearing napies during the day when he way 3. Continued to wear nappies at night until 4. From then on unless taken to the toilet twice a night he would wet the bed about 5 times in a week. Now it is around 3 times a week (not less then that).
I am trying my best now, but struggle a bit with the dates of relocation of the skin condition. The first time it appeared he was around 16 months old, under the armpit. The traditional mediciine creams made it worse. It went on and off with the Chinese cream, reappearing in the same spot. I think it them relocated to his willy and testacles (when he turned 3, so the beggining of 2003), but I thought tht it was due to the fact that he was going to the toilet very often. The doctors were telling me that he has a lot of foresking on the willy and that is aggrevating the redness. They suggested antibiotics a numbe of times. There were different opinions about the need for surgery to shape the foreskin. Then in March last year just after we arrived to Poland (and I was very sick) he stopped all of a sudden peeing and was admitted to hospital, had to have a catheter put on without an anestetics and was operated to shape the foreskin. He was given two doses of atibiotics and it was the first time he was ever given any. Now, my believe is that the surgery was due to the shock he went through 12 hours before the condition started. He had to witness a very shocking scene with my family.
The egzema on his upper left eyelid started when we went to NZ December.
Hope the picture is more clear now (!)
And: he is one of the twins. The other one is a girl with a very different constitution and character. They were born in December 2000. One shot of meng was given in May 2001 and two weeks later polio. He stopped wearing napies during the day when he way 3. Continued to wear nappies at night until 4. From then on unless taken to the toilet twice a night he would wet the bed about 5 times in a week. Now it is around 3 times a week (not less then that).
I am trying my best now, but struggle a bit with the dates of relocation of the skin condition. The first time it appeared he was around 16 months old, under the armpit. The traditional mediciine creams made it worse. It went on and off with the Chinese cream, reappearing in the same spot. I think it them relocated to his willy and testacles (when he turned 3, so the beggining of 2003), but I thought tht it was due to the fact that he was going to the toilet very often. The doctors were telling me that he has a lot of foresking on the willy and that is aggrevating the redness. They suggested antibiotics a numbe of times. There were different opinions about the need for surgery to shape the foreskin. Then in March last year just after we arrived to Poland (and I was very sick) he stopped all of a sudden peeing and was admitted to hospital, had to have a catheter put on without an anestetics and was operated to shape the foreskin. He was given two doses of atibiotics and it was the first time he was ever given any. Now, my believe is that the surgery was due to the shock he went through 12 hours before the condition started. He had to witness a very shocking scene with my family.
The egzema on his upper left eyelid started when we went to NZ December.
Hope the picture is more clear now (!)
coase last decade
when is his birth date?normal birth?c section?which of the twins birthed first?
i am trying establish sequence of events...when exactly (in relation to other events mentioned) nappies were removed for night time?
age 3 -no nappies during day..before witness ''family epeisode' --how wet were nappies in morning?
was he wearing nappies at night just prior to 'shock"?
how do you know that son was effected by this 'witnessing'?what symptoms he exhibit that makes you thik so? what was exact circumsatnce envolved?
so we have antibiotic use;and most like anesthesia so well as chinese topical creme or such...
now after the hospital incident--what was the eczema staus/characteristics?how had it changed?
i am trying establish sequence of events...when exactly (in relation to other events mentioned) nappies were removed for night time?
age 3 -no nappies during day..before witness ''family epeisode' --how wet were nappies in morning?
was he wearing nappies at night just prior to 'shock"?
how do you know that son was effected by this 'witnessing'?what symptoms he exhibit that makes you thik so? what was exact circumsatnce envolved?
so we have antibiotic use;and most like anesthesia so well as chinese topical creme or such...
now after the hospital incident--what was the eczema staus/characteristics?how had it changed?
♡ John Stanton last decade
Birth date 19.12.2000, by c-section. he was taken out first as he was breached. Nappies removed for night timearound April last year (2005). Yes he was wearing nappies at night before the 'shock'.
Before the 'episeode' the nappies were very wet in the morning.
'The incident': how do I know?: 1. Intuition, 2. He was not 'himself' straightafter. Stopped peeing immediatelly after, not even a drop at night (the 'incident' happened at 8pm app.) and the morning before. my husband, who just arrived from the Uk in the morning commented straight away after looking at him that there is something wrong.
The circumstances as far as i can say were: verbal abuse of me.
I do not think I can answer the last question. I was using the Chinese cream after the incident and I think it was very effective in making the exema dissper from view.
Also, two more things that just came to my mind that might be related: he is ofter very sweaty on his head and back at night and often sleeps with his eyes half open.
Thank you for your help
Before the 'episeode' the nappies were very wet in the morning.
'The incident': how do I know?: 1. Intuition, 2. He was not 'himself' straightafter. Stopped peeing immediatelly after, not even a drop at night (the 'incident' happened at 8pm app.) and the morning before. my husband, who just arrived from the Uk in the morning commented straight away after looking at him that there is something wrong.
The circumstances as far as i can say were: verbal abuse of me.
I do not think I can answer the last question. I was using the Chinese cream after the incident and I think it was very effective in making the exema dissper from view.
Also, two more things that just came to my mind that might be related: he is ofter very sweaty on his head and back at night and often sleeps with his eyes half open.
Thank you for your help
coase last decade
coase last decade
excuse delay...
for certain this is occurring every night?
how available homoeopathic remedied to you?
for certain this is occurring every night?
how available homoeopathic remedied to you?
♡ John Stanton last decade
It is an exeption it does not happen. He gets quite anxious about it I think. I told him recently I do not want him to do it anymore. And as he comes to our bed quite often, I told him that if he has pee in our bed, he can not sleep with us. So, for last couple of nights (if I did not managed to take him to the toilet earlier) he would have a pee in his bed, get up, change the pijamas, go to sleep for a while. Then come to me to take him to our bed, I would take him to the batroom before and remind him to wake me up if he wants to have a pee. Then in the morning the bed would be wet.
coase last decade
has been noticed any particular time or time frame bed wetting occurs?
how laong after going to bed/sleep does it occur?how typical is this?
what is conditin of child's skin? rashes;moles;warts;...etc?
how laong after going to bed/sleep does it occur?how typical is this?
what is conditin of child's skin? rashes;moles;warts;...etc?
♡ John Stanton last decade
bedwetting 10.30 - 11.00pm
He goes to bed at 7.30pm. Very often if I understood correctly, 90% of nights.
No moles, warts. Dry flaky egzema like currently on hism upper left eye lid.
I have some homeopatic remedies. Thank you
He goes to bed at 7.30pm. Very often if I understood correctly, 90% of nights.
No moles, warts. Dry flaky egzema like currently on hism upper left eye lid.
I have some homeopatic remedies. Thank you
coase last decade
start treatment --single (2 pellets) dose sepia 200c--no repeat be taken in morning on empty stomach atleast an hour before eaing...
chil is to avoid acidic foods and drinks (coffee;teas;fruits and fruit juices;pickled foods;vinegar;al carbonated soft drinks;..etc)
no seafood
no milk or milk products
no sweets
no other medicines/remedies/ eye drops;tylenol..nothing--no skin cremes or ointments---chinese rash creme..nothing topical at all
just good food --caring home---fresh water--not treated at distilled water..
please keep me closely informed..
chil is to avoid acidic foods and drinks (coffee;teas;fruits and fruit juices;pickled foods;vinegar;al carbonated soft drinks;..etc)
no seafood
no milk or milk products
no sweets
no other medicines/remedies/ eye drops;tylenol..nothing--no skin cremes or ointments---chinese rash creme..nothing topical at all
just good food --caring home---fresh water--not treated at distilled water..
please keep me closely informed..
♡ John Stanton last decade
We read your article and would like to offer some advice. Self-treatment programs alone are not as effective as combining them with professional help. With self-treatment programs there is no personalized attention to patients and no long-term follow-ups. At the Enuresis Treatment Center we work with every aspect of bedwetting. We eliminate the underlying problem: The deep sleep pattern, and have a 95% success rate. We have developed a guide tailored to peoples individual needs, so they can evaluate which treatment method is best for them.
chellemi18 last decade
We read your article and would like to offer some advice. Self-treatment programs alone are not as effective as combining them with professional help. With self-treatment programs there is no personalized attention to patients and no long-term follow-ups. At the Enuresis Treatment Center we work with every aspect of bedwetting. We eliminate the underlying problem: The deep sleep pattern, and have a 95% success rate. We have developed a guide tailored to peoples individual needs, so they can evaluate which treatment method is best for them.
chellemi18 last decade
vell 1m, 1 dose every fifth day.equisetum-30,four times for the remaning period up to 20 days.
dr.barkaat ahmad
dr.barkaat ahmad
Barkaat last decade
this isn't homeopathic, however an observation I have with my own 5.5 yr old child.
If he has any dairy at all- he will wet the bed. I know this because we are dairy & gluten/wheat free most of his life as well as mostly non processed foods. He was out of diapers by 18 months and each and every time he has ingested dairy since then (maybe 4x a year?) (usually accidentally in grandma's cooking or mashed potatoes, hot dog at the farmers market etc), he will pee the bed. Looking back he could not tolerate me drinking milk when he was breastfeeding either-hence the colicky baby. Could be nitrates or preservatives in processed foods too- but milk for sure for us. Just thought I would share that in case he is eating a new food or developed a sensitivity to one?
If he has any dairy at all- he will wet the bed. I know this because we are dairy & gluten/wheat free most of his life as well as mostly non processed foods. He was out of diapers by 18 months and each and every time he has ingested dairy since then (maybe 4x a year?) (usually accidentally in grandma's cooking or mashed potatoes, hot dog at the farmers market etc), he will pee the bed. Looking back he could not tolerate me drinking milk when he was breastfeeding either-hence the colicky baby. Could be nitrates or preservatives in processed foods too- but milk for sure for us. Just thought I would share that in case he is eating a new food or developed a sensitivity to one?
wendypape last decade
To coase,
Please follow the post below to see the possible cause of your childs bed wetting.
God Bless,
Please follow the post below to see the possible cause of your childs bed wetting.
God Bless,
TimCam last decade
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