The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nux vomica 200(2drop in 2tblspoon water) 6 times a day
my homeopathh prescribed nux vomica 200 2drop in 2tblspoon of water 6 times a day for week. is it ok. i had left abdomen and back dull pain since few weeks.some time back my gastro doc gave flagyl 400 and taxim o for 5 days. after that i had foul smelling poop and frequent urination. two days back dirreah started after eating anything with back pain. homeopath also gave natrum phos 6x and merc it ok to continue. its day2 i have started taking medicine.
♥ aturate on 2020-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When you take a remedy you have to watch for your reactions.
1. Aggravation of symptoms ( wait to let this pass and see if improvement comes. Do not dose again until you know improvement stopped.
2. You develop new symptoms after a dose.
These are called proving symptoms- read
Nux vomica materia medica to see all symptoms.
Wait again- see if new things go away and improvement comes.
Dose again if improvement stops.
3. Nothing happens. Wait a few days to see if any reaction.
If nothing try another dose- if still nothing you may need a different remedy. If taking 30 c try 200 to see if it is potency issue.
Otherwise, new remedy needed.
4. You take remedy and get improvement but
Need it every day or it wears off. if this happens after two weeks remedy is just covering up problems and not curing.
Get new remedy.
The above is normal prescribing. Each person will react differently
And I would never! Take the amount of doses
That you were prescribed. No need to risk
Overdose- problems will happen. No WAY
For the homeo to know in advance what you need-
One only knows by reactions of the person.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-08-19 22:13:57]
1. Aggravation of symptoms ( wait to let this pass and see if improvement comes. Do not dose again until you know improvement stopped.
2. You develop new symptoms after a dose.
These are called proving symptoms- read
Nux vomica materia medica to see all symptoms.
Wait again- see if new things go away and improvement comes.
Dose again if improvement stops.
3. Nothing happens. Wait a few days to see if any reaction.
If nothing try another dose- if still nothing you may need a different remedy. If taking 30 c try 200 to see if it is potency issue.
Otherwise, new remedy needed.
4. You take remedy and get improvement but
Need it every day or it wears off. if this happens after two weeks remedy is just covering up problems and not curing.
Get new remedy.
The above is normal prescribing. Each person will react differently
And I would never! Take the amount of doses
That you were prescribed. No need to risk
Overdose- problems will happen. No WAY
For the homeo to know in advance what you need-
One only knows by reactions of the person.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-08-19 22:13:57]
♡ simone717 4 years ago
thank you simone for detailed answer. I will stop medicines for a day and see what happens. As of today i feel pain in lower abdomen that wakes me up, pain goes away for sometime after poop. Will keep symptoms in check.
♡ aturate 4 years ago
♡ aturate 4 years ago
I would wait now for 2 weeks. Keep a record of what you are experiencing. You may have old symptoms aggravate- see if they wear off
And you get improvement. Notice if you have any new things show up.
Hopefully they too will wear off and improvement will show up.
Were you prescribed flagyl for candida? Or ?
And you get improvement. Notice if you have any new things show up.
Hopefully they too will wear off and improvement will show up.
Were you prescribed flagyl for candida? Or ?
♡ simone717 4 years ago
due to covid, i consulted gastro surgeon online and he prescribed flagyl and taxim suspecting infection.
♡ aturate 4 years ago
i am not sure if its infection or muscular. in morning i feel stiffness in lowerback and rush to poop. after that there is relief. After i pee, then i feel to poop also with bit pain butin lower abdomen. if i control for 5-10 min that urge goes
♡ aturate 4 years ago
Hi- I saw another thread about stretch marks
Under your name.
You need to get this problem here fixed first before you take any other med.
I suggest you take stool sample to lab to test it for infection or parasites.
You need Facts.
And get a covid test also.
Under your name.
You need to get this problem here fixed first before you take any other med.
I suggest you take stool sample to lab to test it for infection or parasites.
You need Facts.
And get a covid test also.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
thanks simone. I will take stool test. As far as covid test, i am at home since march 18 i have not gone out and no symptoms related to covid. Is it still necessary?
♡ aturate 4 years ago
Have you had others in your home who have gone out?
Covid gastro symptoms are similar to yours.
I would definitely do both tests.
Covid gastro symptoms are similar to yours.
I would definitely do both tests.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
thanks for your reply. Every item needed is delivered at home. so nobody went out. And also diarrhea has almost gone after 2days i stopped nux vomica. now only sometimes i feel a he in stomach that too when i am stressed and thinking about it.I have no fever, cough or sore throat.
Little bit background, 2months back i had severe sciatica pain also and at that time i had extreme stomach pain in morning. i thought it was due to sciatica only which got ok after taking antacid. i took hypercium 200 and mag phos 6x along hifenac mr. Pain was gone the next day.
For stomach pain ,when doctor gave flagyl post that these all symptoms worsened. i had yellow coating on tongue also.
But if you suspect covid/infection. I will get it tested.
Little bit background, 2months back i had severe sciatica pain also and at that time i had extreme stomach pain in morning. i thought it was due to sciatica only which got ok after taking antacid. i took hypercium 200 and mag phos 6x along hifenac mr. Pain was gone the next day.
For stomach pain ,when doctor gave flagyl post that these all symptoms worsened. i had yellow coating on tongue also.
But if you suspect covid/infection. I will get it tested.
♡ aturate 4 years ago
♡ simone717 4 years ago
hi simone, my stools are now normal with very less smell. My doctor gave Staphysagria 1M one dose only for pain near tail bone which was very sever during stool pass even though it has no reduced greatly. but still when i walk or sleep i feel pain in right tail bone and back muscle. Since yesterday i feel tightness in right knee not able to fold and sit as it feel very tight.
Can i take one dose of Staphysagria 1M?
Can i take one dose of Staphysagria 1M?
♡ aturate 4 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.