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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss problem and dark spot on eyes

Age: 26
Sex: Female
Weight : 57
Height : 5'3"
Marital Status : Married
Occupation : House wife
Country : India
Period : Regular
Nature : Calm and composed
Sweating : Too much sweating. More on scale portion.
Sleep : deep with no dreams (one or two in a month, mostly forgotten)
Skin temperature : mild cold type
Problem Descriptions : Hair Loss and dark spot on eyes. Father also has baldness. Thickness of hair is less in middle of head and also has dandruff which increases during winter . Mother has dark spot on eyes with thyroid problem. Hair loss started at the age of 19-20 years.
No previous medical history.
Other Problem : reddish rashes on skin of back and upper hand with no itching
I shall be thankful if any doc specialized in this field provides suitable remedies.
thank you
[Edited by s_duttacrj on 2020-08-21 15:17:08]
  s_duttacrj on 2020-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Can you find any cause of hair fall
Still you can start with
Natrum Mur 6x two tablets thrice a day
Silica 6x two tablets thrice a day
Kali Sulph 6x two tablets thrice a day . Take them together i.e 6 tablets at one time and three times a day total 18 tablets per day
Also take one or two cups of tea per day but instead of adding milk to boiling tea leaves add few drops of lemon juice . Take balanced and nutrious diet
Update after one week
A.Singh 4 years ago
Reason for hair loss not known. This may be for the followings:
I. Heredity as father too have baldness
II. May be for thyroid problems as mother have but no hair loss in case of my mother. Only obesity.
III. Excessive sweating indulge more hairloss.

By the way stared these medicines from 4 days. No significant response found
s_duttacrj 4 years ago
Reviewing after 10 days of use : hair fall is somewhat less than before and skin rashes also minimises. Should this medicine to be continued or stopped . Kindly reply. Will this promote new hair also ?
s_duttacrj 4 years ago
Is this the way how you provide suggestions to your patients? If you don't have time then way you replied to my post. Someone else could have taken my case. I request any kindhearted person to look after my case please
s_duttacrj 4 years ago
Take Causticum 1M Single dose .

Report after 10 days.

Don't take anything half an hour before and after taking remedy.
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
No significant difference found
s_duttacrj 4 years ago
Calcarea Carb 30 Three times a day for 5 days . Then stop medicine.

Report after a week.
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
Just went through thyroid test ...and it shows all normal. One more fact my nail are very fragile. In winter my hair fall increase rapidly due to dandruff. Sileciea 6x before worked. Please suggest
s_duttacrj 4 years ago
You reported after a long time. How did you feel after taking Calc carb 30 ? Calc carb could cure thyroid problem too.
[Edited by Pramod Jha on 2020-11-24 08:26:42]
Pramod Jha 4 years ago

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