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Posts about Covid, UTI

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Maheeru, 81 yrs old- gasping/UTI with -ve covid results.

Dr Maheeru,

My dad 81 had UTI since 1.5 weeks and fever a week ago. He has involuntary urination and on medications. Feet are swelling. He has prostate problem takes urimax daily. no diabetic or other history. He has mild fluids retention on heart MRI shows mild bilateral pleural effusion and he is gasping with even a slight movement. Pulse oxymeter shows 85-92 reading. His Covid swab test and antibodies tests are -negative.

LAst night i have given him Abeis Nigra 1 M and morning he has some relief to walk upto bathroom. still oxygen levels are 85-92.

Could you please suggest any remedy for his condition? Is it possible to have covid with both tests -ve?

[Edited by speddiraju on 2020-09-10 01:09:03]
  speddiraju on 2020-09-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How is he now?

Regret the delay, could not see the thread in time.

If you have not yet tried, Ars alb. You may try that. Do not give 1M. Go with 30c or 200c.

Have you seen the rider about 'posts are not from medical professionals' on the forum? :) So please leave the dr. title.
maheeru 4 years ago
Thank you sir. He is improved now except weakness and low bp 114/64.i will update in next 4 days.
speddiraju 4 years ago
Improving on which medicine or medicines? Nevertheless it's good news :)
maheeru 4 years ago
Happy vijaya dasami to you all sir. My dad improved using anti biotics but I always believed holistic medicine. So he took ars alb as per your advice, nux vomica and kali phos for low bp and stopped bp control allopathic medicine which he was asked to use since 8yrs. Bp nomal now. frequently monitoring it. Regards,sree
[Edited by speddiraju on 2020-10-25 06:15:33]
speddiraju 4 years ago
Seasonal greetings speddiraju, festival of lights is on the way :)

Good to know about your father doing good on BP as well. At times combination of Ars and Nux also helps with BP. It'll have to be monitored though.
maheeru 4 years ago
Sir, my dad BP is normal now. He also has right knee pain for 2 years and back pain(swelling mild) for 5 years and shoulder pain often which side he sleeps. There is changes to dics. pains are on and off. not sure if knee bone worn.

medical history has treated for seizures for 10tears and now normal. piles operated. prostate enlargement in there but taking medicines. Can you suggest medicines/ bio salts?

speddiraju 4 years ago
Dear Maheeru/Anuj Sirs, my dad 84 recently had a seizure and getting treatment. He is now having reddish tongue and burning sensation and not able speak. He was covid last month and now -ve. Non diabetic.

Could you please advice any medicines ?


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speddiraju 2 years ago

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