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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp, pain in hair roots

I'm 36 year old female and living in a cold country. Ever since I came here I've faced excessive dandruff, hairfall and pain in scalp. I see lot of hair in comb and shower. They comes out in bulk. I don't see pattern baldness of any sort but the hair line has thinned overall. I do see new hair growth but it's slow and takes ages to catch up with the length of my hair. I'm otherwise healthy but overweight. Please suggest remedy.
  Neera2 on 2020-10-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Calcarea Carb 1M three doses in total and all three doses should be taken in a day each at the interval of 15 minutes. Wait and report After a week. Avoid taking anything half an hour before and after the remedy You take.
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
Can you tell how long ago your hair started falling and have you used or are using any medicine or shampoo etc?
thakurhimanshi 4 years ago
Thanks Pramod I will try and let you know.

Himanshi I tried hair vitamins which did not help and medicated anti dandruff shampoo which left my hair dry but didn't affect the dandruff. The problem started 3 years ago.
Neera2 4 years ago

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