The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Watery diarrhea and fluetence for past 10 days in 4.5 years old
1. Watery diarrhea for past 1 week.2. Half an hour after eating.
3. Not giving milk or oil or any fruits.
4. Cannot digest anything solid.
5. Pass smelly gases while on bed.
6. Very loud sound and gas pass while passing stool.
7. Very irritable and don't share things.
8. Head always sweat even with little play.
9. Start stomach cramps while eating.
10. Passes stool with little strain and loud gases.
Yellow stool only.
11. Get some relief with allopathic gas medicine but not permanent.
12. Have discomfort in bed so take time to sleep. Pass gases after lying down.
13. Navel displacement even after little jumping.
14. Don't like sweets.
Like egg, fried, salty and potatoes.
15. Weight good. Body structure fat.
16. Something food or whitish keep on coming in his mouth which he doesn't like..
May be it is bitter or sour.
17. He said pain in his stomach
18. I can feel sometging running like motor in his tummy when i put hand on his tummy.
19. His stomach is very bloated and big.
20. He had cough cold flu just before stomach problem.
It may be also stomach flu along with gastric issue.
21. No coating on tongue..but sides are red.
22. He do have sudden nausea sometimes.
23. His appetite is ok.
24. He is strong tendency to catch cold from slightest exposure to cold damp wind.
25. Doctor here suggested to stop his all milk product including curd as previously he was allergic to milk.
26. So diagnosis was it could be stomach flu or gastritis or sudden milk intolerance as well.
Plz help
RJ121 on 2020-10-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
Can you plz tell me natrum sulphur 30x will help in his problem?
Can i give aloe 30 and natrum sulph 30x together?
Can you plz tell me natrum sulphur 30x will help in his problem?
Can i give aloe 30 and natrum sulph 30x together?
RJ121 4 years ago
Im strongly against this idea of giving this type two medicine an all
Homeopathy is always single medicine
Not a chemistry of combination of drugs after all its medicine we cannot play !!!
Dr.Jitesh Sharma
[Edited by drjitesh on 2020-10-20 01:15:35]
Homeopathy is always single medicine
Not a chemistry of combination of drugs after all its medicine we cannot play !!!
Dr.Jitesh Sharma
[Edited by drjitesh on 2020-10-20 01:15:35]
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
Hello dr,
Actually I already started natrum sulph 30 last night..
1 drop in half cup water Nd stir for 100 times..and take 1 spoon for two times a day and repeat for 5 days.
This instruction i got from one homeopathy practitioner in our building.
We don't have any proper homeopathy doctor in malaysia.
Still after 2 dose no relief.
He is having pain in his stomach..
Loose water mashy stool very large in quantity after food.
Pass lot of gases while passing stool with sound..otherwise also pass gases..
He is beating everybody, crying loud without any reason..and very irritable..
He says everything is dirty..and want them to clean.
Actually I already started natrum sulph 30 last night..
1 drop in half cup water Nd stir for 100 times..and take 1 spoon for two times a day and repeat for 5 days.
This instruction i got from one homeopathy practitioner in our building.
We don't have any proper homeopathy doctor in malaysia.
Still after 2 dose no relief.
He is having pain in his stomach..
Loose water mashy stool very large in quantity after food.
Pass lot of gases while passing stool with sound..otherwise also pass gases..
He is beating everybody, crying loud without any reason..and very irritable..
He says everything is dirty..and want them to clean.
RJ121 4 years ago
Thats y i wanted to know can i take aloe 200 ( i get aloe 20o only here..we have only i chemist in malaysia) .
Like morning and night i give 1 spoon water of natrum sulph 30 and
Afternoon aloe 200?
I mean to ask if both medicines interfere with each other actions?
Plz let me know.
[Edited by RJ121 on 2020-10-20 08:44:30]
Like morning and night i give 1 spoon water of natrum sulph 30 and
Afternoon aloe 200?
I mean to ask if both medicines interfere with each other actions?
Plz let me know.
[Edited by RJ121 on 2020-10-20 08:44:30]
RJ121 4 years ago
Actually i had already started on natrum sulphur i will give for 2 days..
From tomorrow morning i will start aloe 200.
Hope aloe 200 help in his stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.
Due to lockdown in malaysia I can't get him admitted also for full testing.
From tomorrow morning i will start aloe 200.
Hope aloe 200 help in his stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.
Due to lockdown in malaysia I can't get him admitted also for full testing.
RJ121 4 years ago
This forum is all volunteer time. Any member,
Whether they know much or NOT can give advice.
Dr Jitesh Sharma and his father Dr Deoshlok Sharma
Are experienced homeopaths with their own homeopathic hospital in India. You are lucky Dr Jitesh is prescribing because normally he is not on here often as he is too busy.
FYI, you can click any user name and see their info and past cases.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-10-20 17:48:40]
This forum is all volunteer time. Any member,
Whether they know much or NOT can give advice.
Dr Jitesh Sharma and his father Dr Deoshlok Sharma
Are experienced homeopaths with their own homeopathic hospital in India. You are lucky Dr Jitesh is prescribing because normally he is not on here often as he is too busy.
FYI, you can click any user name and see their info and past cases.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-10-20 17:48:40]
♡ simone717 4 years ago
Yes sir,
I know Dr Jitesh is very experienced and he is very helpful also..he guide me properly for my kid case..
I just got Aloe 200 yesterday afternoon only as we have complete lockdown here.
Will start medicine from today.
Thank you all homeopath for helping ppl like us.
I know Dr Jitesh is very experienced and he is very helpful also..he guide me properly for my kid case..
I just got Aloe 200 yesterday afternoon only as we have complete lockdown here.
Will start medicine from today.
Thank you all homeopath for helping ppl like us.
RJ121 4 years ago
Hello Dr Jitesh,
I gave my son Aloe 200 one dose 12 hours back..
But still he is same..
After food specially wheat and fruits he passes lot of loose motion.
His stool micro bacterial report is normal.
Then why he is getting so much diarrhea.
He earlier had IBs but he used to pass small quantity of stool.
Now he is passing too much that also with lots of sound and gas..he is having stomacg ache also.
3 weeks back he had flu and i gave him 10 days antim tart 200 and aconite 200..
Is his condition is because of medicine overdose?
I gave my son Aloe 200 one dose 12 hours back..
But still he is same..
After food specially wheat and fruits he passes lot of loose motion.
His stool micro bacterial report is normal.
Then why he is getting so much diarrhea.
He earlier had IBs but he used to pass small quantity of stool.
Now he is passing too much that also with lots of sound and gas..he is having stomacg ache also.
3 weeks back he had flu and i gave him 10 days antim tart 200 and aconite 200..
Is his condition is because of medicine overdose?
RJ121 4 years ago
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