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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Gall bladder stone

29. Male
I have a gall bladder stone size 10mm
Is there any treatment for disolve the stone
Please alos tell me about dite (veg or non veg dite)
[Edited by Arora1 on 2020-11-21 08:17:07]
  Arora1 on 2020-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
complete history required
drjitesh 3 years ago
In oct 2020 i feel pain in lower abdomen and frequent urination dr give me medicine (ural syrup) for 10 days but no improvement in pain then dr prescribed full abdomen scan(24 oct)and found gall bladder stone 10mm and suggested opration
Arora1 3 years ago
Please reply as soon as possible
Arora1 3 years ago
Take Lycopodium 30 three times a day for 5 days .
Report then
Pramod Jha 3 years ago

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