The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arsenic Poisoning
Hello,I am asking for help to detox Arsenic poisoning.
What homeopathic remedies or remedy do you recommend to detox Arsenic Poisoning, for adult?
Thank you for your help!
♥ alschneider on 2020-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Hello alschneider
First of all, please describe the symptoms that you have. After knowing the symptoms, we will prescribe you a homeopathy medicine. We can't help you without knowing the symptoms.
First of all, please describe the symptoms that you have. After knowing the symptoms, we will prescribe you a homeopathy medicine. We can't help you without knowing the symptoms.
♡ thakurhimanshi 4 years ago
There have been homeopathic studies on groups of people who were contaminated
With arsenic in their drinking water. Arsenicum album 30c was found to be very effective at detoxing them.
On this forum, any person can join and offer advice-there are only a few real homeopaths on here.
You click user names to see info and past threads etc.
Anuj has been helping people on here for years.
You can only follow one person at a time.
There have been homeopathic studies on groups of people who were contaminated
With arsenic in their drinking water. Arsenicum album 30c was found to be very effective at detoxing them.
On this forum, any person can join and offer advice-there are only a few real homeopaths on here.
You click user names to see info and past threads etc.
Anuj has been helping people on here for years.
You can only follow one person at a time.
♡ simone717 4 years ago
Sometimes when the root cause is defined, there is no need to know the all symptoms. Like as Arnica.
But it is better to mention all symptoms along with mind and body condition.
You may take Arsenicum Album no problem if Arsenic is in your body.
If, several symptoms are seen after vaccination, we know what may help. So, depending only in symptoms, is not all in all.
Sometimes, 100% accurate matched remedy doesn't show any result. And what to do then, it is also known to him who is experienced.
Follow anuj. And don't forget to mention your all symptoms, mind and body condition etc.
But it is better to mention all symptoms along with mind and body condition.
You may take Arsenicum Album no problem if Arsenic is in your body.
If, several symptoms are seen after vaccination, we know what may help. So, depending only in symptoms, is not all in all.
Sometimes, 100% accurate matched remedy doesn't show any result. And what to do then, it is also known to him who is experienced.
Follow anuj. And don't forget to mention your all symptoms, mind and body condition etc.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
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