The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Execesive hair loss, gray hairs and constipation
Hello all,I am 35 year old male, 90kg and height 5.7 inches.
I had diagnosed with Covid on November 14, 2020 and I have recoverd from it now.
While being positive I was having only having high fever with shivering and loss of taste, and no other symtoms were there.
Now from past 1 month, I am having exessive hair loss and its so high that I feels like I will get bald in amonth. When ever I comb or touch my hairs I got fallen hairs, like the roots the so loosen up that even if I touch them hairs came out in my hands. I found hairs all around my pillow, bed and room floor(When my wife does the dusting)
I am also having consitpation problem from a long time and all of my hairs are becoming gray. Even my father don't have that much of gray hairs. but I do :(
Please suggest some medicine for hair loss, gray hairs and constipation problem.
aly.irshad on 2020-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Did you take so many antibiotics to treat covid?
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Yes, as I was having high fever with Shivering. I took drips with mutivitamin, paracetamol and antibiotics as suggested by doctor
aly.irshad 4 years ago
Take a dose of Nux Vom 200
3drops with half cup water in an evening.
Don't repeat more.
From 4th day: Lecithinum 3X
5drops with 4spoons water 2times a day and continue
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-12-03 07:50:31]
3drops with half cup water in an evening.
Don't repeat more.
From 4th day: Lecithinum 3X
5drops with 4spoons water 2times a day and continue
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-12-03 07:50:31]
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Lecithinum 3x
can you please check this is correct to order. Should I take this with water.
and how many days I should wait it to effect.
can you please check this is correct to order. Should I take this with water.
and how many days I should wait it to effect.
aly.irshad 4 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
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