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Itching and redness of skin on my diog 3


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Itching redness on skin

My skin becomes Red and itching starts very frequently every time it is getting touched with cloth/slight rubbing by hand.

It becomes red when i rub it or like my beard touches my chest, chest will become red and itching starts.

It becomes normal after 15-20 minute if i dont touch it. Any type of talcum powder/oil help in releiving the itching.

Problem has started more from past 06 month. I had lost around 20 kg weight by diet control/yoga. i am around 80kg now. Height 5.10"

Other issues
Vitamin D remains low around 8(instead of >40).
Sgpt and sgot remains high.

Please help what should i do
  fatey on 2020-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Belladona-30 6 pills twice a day
2. Sulphur-30 6 pills at bed time

Pl take above treatment for 10 days and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 4 years ago
ok. Thank you.
fatey 4 years ago
Today is 10th day since i had started taking Sulphur & Belladona.

For initial 05-06 days i felt i am getting relief however, from 07 day onwards problem has started again.

Infact now after i rub on affected area, multiple blisters like formation is coming. I had to apply oil/powder to get releif. It subsides after some time.

Kindly advise what should i do..
fatey 4 years ago
After scratch:
Burning :Yes

Raised skin : Yes multiple layer of raised skin. say 1cm X 4 cm. multiple in continuation. structure as if wave going up down.

Color : Red

Pain& Heat :yes

Discharge : No
fatey 4 years ago
Pl stop Beeladona and Sulphur
Pl take
1. Arsenic Alb-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Apis-200 6 pills twice a day

Pl kepp 30 to 40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take the treatmeent for one wqeek and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 4 years ago
I had been taking Ars Alb 200 & Apis 200 from past one week.

Some relief in formation of raised skin. but instead big red heat area is formed.

however i missed one day dose due to travelling and it's back. no respite, its same.

itching/redness keep on shifting from one place to another every 10/15 minutes. this continues whole day. it vanishes if i don't touch it or try to control the urge of rubbing.

Red area forms as if some thing is burning.

Kindly advise.
fatey 4 years ago
kindly someone pls advise..
fatey 4 years ago
Thank you Mr. krishna7.

I was waiting for Mr. Homeo_helper to respond since he has prescribed me initially.

I had started taking Petroleum 30. will give feedback.

Thank you.
fatey 4 years ago
Mr. Krishna7

Thanks for your kind words.

Thanks for help
fatey 4 years ago
Thank you Mr. Krishna..

I had been taking Petroleum 30 from last 03 days.

No visible change noticed. Problem is still continuing.

I had noticed :
1. Small dot type appears with red patch. if i rub it, it gets converted into big red rash with multiple layers of red skin as i mentioned earlier. Its more predominant in upper half of body.

2. Red hot area gets developed without dot. Even if i press something with my hand, very red hot area with itching appears in palm.

Please help..
fatey 4 years ago
Do you like salty foods? Or add more salt with foods?
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
freehomeoforall :

Yes i like salt. i put it extra with all my food.
[Edited by fatey on 2021-02-03 05:38:38]
fatey 4 years ago
Thank you Mr. Krishna.
fatey 4 years ago
Continue Nat Mur 30
3pills in a morning and 3pills in the evening.
2 doses only.
Don't take anything else.

freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Dear Mr. Krishna,

Today is 04th day after taking 03 days Petroleum 200.

No change in condition.

Itching/redness still persisting.

Kindly advise.

Thank you
fatey 4 years ago
There are so many meaning of the word 'anxious'. But I am not happy hearing this.
Okay. fatey. I don't want to give any suggestion to you. I have prescribed you to help you. But then, no reply. At least yes or no was expected. Please go ahead with krishna.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2021-02-11 15:29:50]
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Mr. Krishna / Freehomeoforall

Sincere thanks to both of you. Both of you are trying to help me. I am sorry, if i have offended any of you.

Since Mr.Krishna has started prescribed me initially, i went ahead with his prescription.

My sincere grattitude to both the healers.
fatey 4 years ago
Mr. Krishna

I am not able to recall how it started.

Several years ago, doctors diagnosed me with Jock itch. i took some allopathy medicines/cream and got cured.

Whenver there used to some sweat, itching used to start. i have to use dermi powder throughout summer season. sweat odour is also bad.

If u read my post:
"Problem has started more from past 06 month. I had lost around 20 kg weight by diet control/yoga. i am around 80kg now. Height 5.10"

Itching was more on the areas where stretch marks were present.

Due ro corona period..frequent bathing / washing hands has also made skin dry. this also has aggrevated the problem..
fatey 4 years ago

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