The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Severe brain fog hampering attention, memory and intellectual activity
Hi,I am a 31 year old female who has had issues with severe brain fog for years. I am unable to collect thoughts and there is a loss of ideas accompanied with a general blankness. This affects my speech as it feels like a dense blanket of fog is always sitting on top of my logical reasoning, and I lose track of sentences. It wasn’t always like this and I used to be a naturally intelligent person. I am pretty sure the condition is hormonal as I have had PCOS for years which I have been prescribed Phosphorus LM1 recently. The remedy has greatly regulated my cycle and mood but no improvement on the lack of mental clarity.
I have read that Kali Phos and Acid Phos are both good remedies for the problem and was wondering if someone could possibly give me some advice on dosage etc, or recommend a remedy that is more fitting. Any help would be life saving and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Buink on 2021-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Thank you so much for the reply. Would it be safe to continue with the Phosphorus LM1 parallely? since I cannot discontinue it because of my PCOS
Buink 4 years ago
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