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Wisdom Tooth has cyst


I have attached a copy of for the X-ray of my wife’s teeth she has a wisdom teeth with cyst on the left lower side and she has been recommended surgery to remove wisdom teeth and the cyst and I reaching out to your learned team to see if homeopathy has a cure for this or will we have to go with surgery and if yes as I am hoping what would be the medication and dosage recommended Regards Madhu
[Edited by Skhosla1 on 2021-05-02 19:35:21]
  Skhosla1 on 2021-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Calc Carb 30 five drops in an ounce of water 3 times a day.

In addition Silicea 3x and Calc Flour 3x,five tabs of each three times a day.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
HI Dr. Anuj

Do I order 30X or 30c for Calc Carb, one more quick thing since we found about the cyst during routine xray how will we find out if medication is helping us and we need to continue

Skhosla1 3 years ago
In case there is pain it will decrease.

Get an X RAY done after 20 days.

30 C
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Ok Thanks a lot! Much Appreciated
Skhosla1 3 years ago
Hi DR. Anuj,

I have one more quick question about Silicea 3X and Calc Flour 3X, do I need to order Tissue Salts for them or are they homeopathic

Skhosla1 3 years ago

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Dr. Anuj

There is lot of relief to the teeth now... just a quick question is there a certain order that these medication should be taken and before or after food. We will report back after X-ray

Best Regards
Skhosla1 3 years ago
You can give a gap of 30 mins ie have CC then after 30 mins have SIL AND CF together.

Continue same protocol.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Ok Thanks Dr. Anuj
Skhosla1 3 years ago

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