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Itchy ears at on the morning and it night 4


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Itchy ears at night Page 3 of 5

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I like to add stomach pain as well
alschneider 3 years ago
Ok. Stop Alumina for some days.

Start: Nux Vom 30
in the evening mix 5drops of Nux Vom 30 with 5 spoons water. Drink it in empty stomach. Inform me the changes.
mrmhm 3 years ago
Only on the evening? Ibonly have pellets.
alschneider 3 years ago
Mix 5 pallets in 5spoons water. After dissolved, drink it
mrmhm 3 years ago
Only on evening, correct. Or throughput the day?
alschneider 3 years ago
Only evening and only 1 dose.
mrmhm 3 years ago
I feel like I need more! What's the program?
alschneider 3 years ago
Severe sleeping issues. I fall to sleep and I wake up 20 min to 1 hour later and can't sleep anymore. It takes a nother hour for me to go back to sleep again. My muscles are twitching and my mind is awake. I can't find rest.
alschneider 3 years ago
What about your thirst?
Profuse? Try mouth and when I drink i feel full but still thirsty.

Do you have restlessness? Yes

Du you have any pus in the middle of eir? No but itchy and crusty.
alschneider 3 years ago
Take Nux Vom 30 by same way.
3 alternate evenings and stop.

How is about your gas problem? Reduced or not?
mrmhm 3 years ago
It is all reduced!

The sleeping issue and the itchy ears with the fluid and the crust inside, still biggest problem

But the sleeping issue is the biggest problem
alschneider 3 years ago
Continue Nux Vom 30 for next 3 evenings also and stop.
No single problem is bigger than another. You should know, why you have difficulty falling asleep. Sleep depends on health and mind.
Should think all,should not think single.

Continue the suggested and take time to know what is going on.

You may add:
Cell Salt Kali Phos 6x
Before going to bed at night, place 6 tablets on tongue. Finish them by sucking. And then drink a cup of warm water.
Take bath with luke warm water in the evening.
[Edited by mrmhm on 2021-07-10 19:03:36]
mrmhm 3 years ago
Okay I understand. Yes, I think that I have a bacterial infection in my stomach and intestine and for some reason they are very active at night. And that interrupts my sleep throughout the night.
alschneider 3 years ago
First I would say over acidity!
Second I would say bacterial infection in my stomach and intestine and joints.
And thouse 2 things interrupts my sleep throughout the night.
alschneider 3 years ago
Have you seen my last maessage?
alschneider 3 years ago
What is the change after Nux Vom 30?
mrmhm 3 years ago
Still bloated but this is my answer to your earlier question. First I would say over acidity!
Second I would say bacterial infection in my stomach and intestine and joints.
And thouse 2 things interrupts my sleep throughout the night.
alschneider 3 years ago
Next morning
Take 3 pills of Sulphur 30
Single dose only.

I don't know if you are taking any other medicines with my suggested medicine.
[Edited by mrmhm on 2021-07-16 02:28:12]
mrmhm 3 years ago
I am taking natural supplement it is a vitamin and Herb combination for my gallbladder and liver. Also I'm taking zinc tablets. I take hydrochloric acid tablets with food to digest. I'm taking magnesium calcium come up with calcium and salt.
alschneider 3 years ago
Why to take this if you are not getting relief?

If you take different types of medicines at a time, homeo medicine can not act freely.

Whatever, try Sulphur 30 as suggested.

If you are fine with different supplement, be with that. It is not good idea to take all at a time.
mrmhm 3 years ago
They do give me a relief but they do not handle the situation. If you have medicine that helps me I will drop or the other supplements.
alschneider 3 years ago
None can give sureness about cure. Remedy is selected based on symptoms, patient, history, causes etc.

But if you try a homeopathic medicine, you should let it act freely.
mrmhm 3 years ago
I did the sulphur yesterday. Whats next. Thank you
alschneider 3 years ago
I had my teeth repaired and you describe arnica and hypericum. Everything got better. But now I have inflamed gum and pain in the roots as well.

I didn't hear back from you for 5 days. Are you still interested in my case? If not please let me know so I can open a new case.
alschneider 3 years ago
Continue Merc Sol 30 for some days.
3pills 3times per day.
Update after 3 days.

After applying a deep medicine, should wait and should not apply frequently. Sulphur is not usual remedy to apply frequently.

Now apply Merc Sol as suggested, update after 3 days and will decide whether you continue Sulphur or other.
Thank you
[Edited by mrmhm on 2021-07-23 15:35:58]
mrmhm 3 years ago
I don't have 30cc only 200cc
alschneider 3 years ago

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