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homoeopathy for ill effects of vaccination
Homeopaths have long known that there are specific homeopathic remedies that can help counter the negative effects of vaccines.For instance, in the 1800's homeopathic remedies were found to work well to counter the negative effects of the smallpox vaccine. J. Compton Burnett M.D. even wrote a whole book filled with cases where homeopathic Thuja was able to reverse vaccine-induced damage in his book, "Vaccinosis and Its Cure by Thuja", published in 1884.
Some well known remedies for ill effects of vaccinations are:-
For managing skin rash appearing after vaccination. Violent itching is present in the rash where it is required. The itching is worse from warmth of bed and is better in the open air. Stinging and burning is marked in the rash. Skin is also sensitive to the slightest touch along with above symptoms.
This medicine offers great help in cases of loose cough with rattling of mucus in the chest. Cough is present day and night. Chest feels congested from mucus in the chest. Scanty, thick, phlegm is expectorated in these cases. Expectoration is difficult.
Relieves pain and discomfort of the needle without antidoting the effect of vaccination.
Fever after vaccination. In cases needing it the heat stage is prominent. There is burning heat over the whole body but especially most prominent in the head and face. Body feels burning hot like fire. With this redness of face is also there. Anxiety and restlessness is present with the internal heat of the body. There is excessive thirst during the heat stage. The heat stage alternates with the chill stage. In this stage there is coldness of limbs with heat in head. Violent chill is felt in the back. Apart from above it can also be used for managing redness, inflammation and swelling of the arm appearing after vaccination injection.
Schussler- after vaccination may prevent the out break of any other diseases, if necessary follow with silicea.
Bad-effects of small pox vaccination. Septicaemia, blood poisoning after vaccination. Emaciation of upper limb after vaccination.
John H. Clarke says: “It has been used on inferential grounds with great success in bad effects of vaccination. I have cured with it cases of unhealthy dry, rough skin remaining for years after vaccination; in small-pox, measles and impetigo”.
Burnett cured with it a case of knock-knee in a child who was constantly handling his penis. His indications are: “Lower half of body affected, greasy skin and greasy eruption. Slow pustulation never ending, as one heals another appears”.
Dry, scaly; itching; rhagades of hands and feet in cold weather and from washing.
It is a foremost medicine for puncture wounds as arising from needle prick. Here it is beneficial medicine to manage swelling, redness and inflammation of the arm after vaccination injection. This medicine is also considered as a preventive for side effects of vaccination.
It is a well indicated to manage diarrhoea. In cases requiring it the stool is watery, profuse and gushing. It can be yellowish or greenish in colour and has a very offensive smell. The stool can be frothy and have mucus in it sometimes. There is a sudden urge to pass stool. Fetid flatus is present with this. There is an urge for stool immediately after eating and drinking. Diarrhoea is usually painless where it is required. Intense nausea can be present before passing the stool. After passing stool, extreme weakness is felt by the person.
Convulsions, diarrhea, swelling, erysipelas, and otitis media after vaccination. PUSTULES like that of smallpox may appear after VACCINATION. SILICEA IS COMPLEMENTARY TO THUJA, especially in nervous affection from bad effects of vaccination. In constipation, stool partially escapes from the rectum and then seems to slip back again. Very CHILLY. Fear of failure, fear of examination. Yielding, mild, timid and despondent. Fear of speaking in public, but once he forces into speech he does well.
It is a very useful for skin eruptions that can occur after vaccination. The eruptions are pustular where it is required. These eruptions are most marked on the scalp, face, and legs. It is also indicated for scabby eruptions on scalp, arms and legs appearing after vaccination.
All complaints resulting from vaccination like anxiety, headache, and ophthalmia. Eruptions like acne on face resulting from vaccination. Stomach pain and CHRONIC DIARRHEA accompanied with gurgling AFTER VACCINATION. Asthma in children. Extremities: emaciation, paralysis, suppuration, and swelling of limbs after vaccination. Thuja will generally supply the deep stimulus that leads to a cure.
Dr.Nitin Jain
Jabalpur (MP)
♥ anuj srivastava on 2021-05-26
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