The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cat tumor over the left eyebrow
Hi,My male cat named "Doodi" is 12 yrs old.
For the last 01 year he is having a swelling above his left eyebrow.
The cat is being given Thuja 6C every day and one dose of Carcinocin 10M.
There is a foul smelling discharge coming from the tumor.
His mom cat died 06 months ago.
He fought with some cat outside last year.
Any suggestions.
Please see the photo.
[Edited by noshiahmad on 2021-07-21 03:33:18]
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noshiahmad on 2021-07-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ drjitesh 3 years ago
Thank you for the response,
Stopped the remedies.
Started Calc FLour 30C
I have ordered Calc FLour 200C online though.
The tumor is falling off in small pieces, bit by bit.
Should I give him Anthracinum 30C or Carbo Animalis 200C?
Stopped the remedies.
Started Calc FLour 30C
I have ordered Calc FLour 200C online though.
The tumor is falling off in small pieces, bit by bit.
Should I give him Anthracinum 30C or Carbo Animalis 200C?
noshiahmad 3 years ago
♡ drjitesh 3 years ago
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