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Questions about Hyland's Baby Colic Tablets

I have 3 months and 1 week old baby. She suffers from constipation and gas. We have started giving her Hyland's Baby Colic Tablets. Now I have 2 questions->
1. How long can it be given to baby?
2. What is the daily dosage for baby?(we give her 2 tablets 3 times in a day)
  Emi on 2021-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathic remedies dosing is done by results.
This is a combo remedy-chamomilla, colycynthis and discorea are in it-
Not sure what else.
I don’t like how these things are advertised-
And the fact they do mechanical western type dose instructions and never tell you to stop.
Remedy choice is based on symptoms-One can google materia medica of any remedy name and see hundreds of symptoms.
When the remedy is a good match the body will see it as repeating the problem the body has. The human body will not accept a second similar problem-the response is to raise the vital force/immune system and push
Out the remedy-as it does this it also targets the cause-that is why it cures. Western meds are based on suppressing symptoms.
After taking the remedy one can have aggravation /worsening of symptoms and then you stop-observe if the aggravation goes away and see if there is improvement. Then wait until you know the improvement is gone and the old state returns. Then give another dose. Ideally there should be less and less need to dose.
With the combo-You cannot tell what is doing what.
Chamomilla too often will produce irritation. Colocynthis and discorea too much will produce gas.
So I suggest you do a new thread and describe
Symptoms, and when this started, your diet, if breast feeding etc so someone can match one remedy to your child.
simone717 3 years ago
Hello. Sorry for not responding your message. I was very busy with my daughtewho is suffering from silent acid reflux. My daughter is 4 months old.
She is on breastfeeding. My girl started having symptoms of silent acid reflux from her second week on.
Right before milk comes back up to her mouth her abdomen starts wavering, all of a sudden she gets startled and then starts squirming, turns red, starts rubbing her chest with both fists and then she scratches nose, mouth, ears with her nails. And all these actions she makes with writhing like she is in pain. Finally milk comes back to her mouth and she swallows. And it repeats every 2-3 minutes during sleep and she wakes up. Again she tries to fall asleep and again it repeats. Poor kid can not sleep peacefully. My baby stopped gaining weight because of anguish and absence of healthy sleep. 
I hold her in a half-sitting position or upright chest to chest for 22-23 hours just to decrease her pain and help her sleep better so not to loose weight.
She has frequent long hiccups. After some time of having hiccup she starts crying, apparently it causes her pain. As soon as i give her milk hiccup stops.
The most painful process is burping(dry and wet). Beside burping there’s air coming up with strange creaky, squeaky sound from her mouth. I guess it’s also some kind of burping. Right before burp she squirms, cries, after getting rid of air she turns red, cries again and begins scratching her nose, mouth, ears if she is lying down, but if she is on my chest, she rubs her nose on my clothes and rubs very hard, i try to hold her head not let her break her nose. Then she presses her nose very tight to my chest and closes nostrils so air can not penetrate her nostrils.
There’s no pattern of eating or sleeping. She constantly eats to reduce her pain.
My daughter has breathing difficulty(nasal canal congested), her nose has some white and clear discharge, her head sweats while eating, coughs, keeps her mouth open if there’s no pacifier. She has excessive salivation.
I apply all the instructions: burp her, keep her in a vertical position, even if I put her down I put her on anti reflux pillow. Nothing helps.
We have seen many pediatricians. They prescribed different medications. All gave side effects (diarrhoea, constipation, bad stomachache,…). Our pediatrician prescribed Vitamin D3, Nexium, Probiotics( lactobacillus rhamnosus+zinc), and  alternate AR formula and breastfeeding.
I do not give her Nexium. I gave the rest to my baby. Formula seemed to help insignificantly. But it caused her terrible constipation and gas. That's why i was giving her Hyland's Colic Tablets. It helped her with colics but she could not move her bowel. So I had to stop AR formula and Anti Colic tablets after that.
It's been 2 weeks she is on breast milk only. Stool became normal now, now she passes stool 2-3 times in a day. My brrast milk solved her constipation and gas problems. But of course reflux has increased. .
1,5 month ago i gave her Nat Phos 6X(1st day-3 tablets, 2nd day-4 tablets, 3rd, 4th and 5th days-6 tablets in 24 hours. 1/2 tablet before and 1/2 tablet after milk). It didn't help as well.
I'm soo desperate now. I don't know what to do. I'm looking for natural remedy for my baby. What would you recommend? My baby needs help, please help us
Emi 3 years ago

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-08-27 14:28:18]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Try what Anuj said. USA? Call Whole Foods to see if they have these individual Hylands 6x. Or try Amazon - Has to be 6x , “usually Hylands.
simone717 3 years ago
Thank you so much.
I cannot order remedies you prescribed, right now we are in a country where delivery is very late. We hardly could get Nat phos 6x delivered here.
But out of desperation I think to start Nat Phos 6X again. Sometimes i think may be we had to wait, may be symptoms exacerbated because it's specification of the remedy or may be it would work if we would take it longer. I would like to note again that we gave her Nat Phos 6X 5 days(1st day-3 tablets, 2nd day-4 tablets, 3rd, 4th and 5th days-6 tablets). When I saw that it didn't work out I stopped medication.
Please direct me, help my poor baby, her symptoms are on it's top now. i can not see her scratching her chest, face, ears. It's heartbreaking.
[Edited by Emi on 2021-09-01 00:01:31]
Emi 3 years ago
What is your country? Maybe be I can help with faster delivery. Remedies have to be correct.
simone717 3 years ago

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