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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent Urination

My daughter is 5 years old. She used public toilet in her school on tuesday. And from the next day she is doing frequent urination and tickling in her tummy before she urinate.sometimes the quantity is more and sometimes just some drops. There is no pain while urination and no smell and no pale urine colour. kindly suggest a remedy for her.
[Edited by Sanam16261 on 2021-09-05 14:39:10]
  Sanam16261 on 2021-09-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since Feb 2021 you have been posting about your daughter
Including the tonsils which I prescribed and there was never any feedback on this whether she got ok or no
I suggest you get her examined by a doctor and post the reports of the same to get advise

Since there are no accompanying symptoms I do not feel that she contacted anything from the public toilet
Kaps 2 years ago
yes i think its my mistake i never think about giving feedback. sorry for that.
i will definitely give feedback in the future. Your remedies are always so helpful thats why i used to ask questions here.
Sanam16261 2 years ago
Good to know that you got good help from here
Does your daughter have any other symptoms like pain burning itching etc while passing urine or otherwise
If not then has she undergone some sort of trauma recently if no show her to a doctor
Kaps 2 years ago

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