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CH/C vs CK Dilutions -- Please Clarify Strength of Potencies Compared, +++

I read through a few posts here in re to CH/C potency vs CK. I believe someone spoke about the differences in the methods of dilution, BUT I didn't get a sense of a definitive clarification between the two in regard to whether or not they were interchangeable potencies. As I recall, one poster said that they were the same in strength, and that they could not believe a physician would tell a patient NOT to take the CK dilution. On Amazon, however, a "Boiron Mfg Rep" in the Q&A section stated that the 200CK dilution was a "run of the mill" middle of the road dilution vs a CH (same as C) dilution.

So, which is correct? Would a 200CH (aka 200C) be the EXACT same strength as a 200CK? Meaning the given homeopathic effect would be the same despite which dilution of 200 you use? or???

If I were prescribed BRYONIA 200C (or any other 200C remedy), could I just use BOIRON's 200CK --- which is the ONLY 200 potency available in the USA.

Confused, and wanting to get clarification, I called BOIRON, and this was there reply:

(quoting from memory!):

-She explained the various dilution differences, which I already knew about (CH uses a new vial for each dilution, vs CK uses the same vial over and over) -- btw, I read online that the CK method is used mainly because it is CHEAPER/EASIER for "mass production machine runs". hmmmmm

-She explained that a 200CK is NOT the same a 200CH (aka 200C), and that the 200CK remedy would be WEAKER (not as deep) as a 200CH. She then gave me this example:

A 30CH (aka 30C) is the highest/strongest/deepest acting "C" potency Boiron has for sale in the USA. She added that a 30CH (aka 30C) is deeper acting/higher potency than a 200CK.

-I asked her WHY 200CH/C is avail in CANADA, but NOT in the USA.
She did not know.

-I asked her if the FDA was behind this issue of 200CH, aka C, potencies NOT being allowed for sale in the USA. Her answer was "most likely".


So, my questions are:
-- Is it true that a 200CK is lower in potency than a 30C?

-- If so, WHERE can I buy a 200C potency, if I needed one and was NOT going to a homeopath, here in the USA? Are there other brands that are reputable (aka have not had any FDA violations for safety of manufacture, etc)? I see many other brands on sale on Amazon, besides the familiar/trusted Boiron brand, but I am leary to purchase since I am not familiar with the other brands. Which are trusted, aside from Boiron?

-- Does anyone know WHY the FDA would restrict 200CH potencies and higher NOT be sold in the USA?? I find it ironic that on one hand, the FDA and the US scientific-medical community feels that homeopathic remedies are nothing but "placebo effects" and "made of just water",etc etc, YET on the other hand they seem so terrified/threatened by the sale of homeopathic remedies! Obviously they must know that homeopathy IS effective.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer me some clarification on the above.
[Edited by Aimarkie on 2021-09-14 16:43:43]
  Aimarkie on 2021-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can only answer the first question
As per the principle the potency is directly proportional to dilution
More dilute men’s more potent
Hence C is more potent than CK
Kaps 3 years ago

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